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ISKD Internal Bone Lengthener

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1 ISKD Internal Bone Lengthener
Shawn Volpe

2 What is ISKD? Intramedullary Skeletal Kinetic Distractor
A rod inserted into the bone to gradually lengthen the bone. It is designed to lengthen a predetermined distance. Can lengthen as far as 8 cm.

3 Lengthening Process The lengthening is triggered by movement of the limb. Rotation of 3-9 degrees and minor weight bearing causes expansion. The distal end of the rod telescopes outward. A internal threaded rod spins causing the extension.

4 Benefits Completely internal and non-visible. No risk on infection
Minimal scaring No social stress Much less painful then tradition lengthening methods. Hand-held monitor allows patient to follow lengthening process daily.

5 Progress Monitoring A hand-held console is given to the patient.
A magnetic sensor allows the patient track there progress. Can be attached to a printer to print the data or sent to a PC with the ISKD program.

6 Distraction Phase Day 22 Day 41 Day 69

7 Consolidation Phase Day 109 Day 144 Day 186

8 References "Spine Orthopedics Biologics." Orthofix. Orthofiz Holdings Inc., n.d. Web. 25 Nov < "ISKD." Betz institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov < Sarin, Amar. "ISKD." Dr. Amar Sarin. N.p.. Web. 25 Nov < "mhe_ISKD." The MHE Research Foundation. Society for Glycobiology, Web. 25 Nov >. "Intramedullary Skeletal Kinetic Disctractor (ISKD)."Center for Advanced Orthopaedics. Center for Advanced Orthopaedics. Web. 25 Nov 2012.

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