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Smart Materials & Adhesives

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1 Smart Materials & Adhesives
AQA Graphic Products

2 Smart Materials Material Description Example Photo-chromic inks
Light sensitive – change colour depending on light Sunglasses – gets darker with more light / UV Thermo-chromic inks Temperature sensitive – change colour depending on temperature A kettle – changes when hot Hydro-chromic inks Change colour as they dry out Umbrella – changes when wet Phosphorescent inks Glows in the dark – absorbs energy quickly fro light, radiates light slowly when dark Night lights, emergency exit strips Shape memory alloys (SMA’s) Will return to their original shape when current is passed through them. Cable ties in the telecoms industry Polymorph Softens at 62 degrees C. Usually sold in bead form. Prototype models Piezoelectric Changes a movement into an electrical signal An electric drum kit

3 Modern Materials Material Description Example Cornstarch polymers
Seems like a plastic. When immersed in water will completely biodegrade. Inner tray to hold chocolates – can be vacuum formed Paper foam Seems like a plastic. Lightweight, strong and biodegradable. CD and DVD packaging – used in injection moulding. Potatopak Biodegradable, can be used as pig food! Packaging trays

4 Thermochromic Inks Inks that change colour with temperature
Useful on marketing materials Has your egg been hot enough for long enough? Interesting gimmicks ! A 2d temperature gauge

5 Photochromic Materials
Materials that change colour when exposed to light Possible Applications: energy-efficient windows that switch from transparent to opaque spontaneously upon exposure to increasing levels of sunlight

6 Phosphoresectn inks

7 Polymorph Supplied as granules
When heated to 62 degrees or above in water they form a ply able solid Useful for forming : handles/grips Complex shapes Prototype patterns for casting or moulding Completing complex assemblies

8 Piezoelectric Materials
2 unique properties When deformed, they generate a small but measurable electrical current. When an electrical current is applied, they change size

9 Adhesives Adhesive Uses Tensol cement (solvent cement)
Fixes acrylic to acrylic. Chemically welds the two parts together Epoxy resin A two-part mix and is used for joining parts that are made from different materials together PVA A strong fix between wood products. Will take time to set Masking Tape Temporary fixing

10 Adhesives Adhesive Uses Hot glue gun
A quick way of fixing different materials together Double-sided tape A fixing for most materials. The strength of the bond varies between different brands of tape Spray adhesive Fixes large areas of paper and card Glue sticks General purpose

11 Temporary Fastenings Drawing pins Mapping pins
Paper fasteners fix moving parts Paper clips Rubber bands

12 Task 1 Thermochromatic ink changes colour and reacts to changes in temperature and heat. List five products around the home that would have a safety benefit if thermochromatic inks were applied. For example, hair straighteners could have ink applied to the heating plates. This would indicate if they were still warm and act as a caution when picking them up. Choose one item from your list and illustrate this with a pictorial drawing. Label where the thermochromatic ink would be placed and state what would happen when heated or cooled.

13 Task 2 Match up the title with the description, then match the uses for the adhesives

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