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Global problems of XXI century

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1 Global problems of XXI century
Water pollution Электронный журнал "Конференц-зал"

2 Introduction Электронный журнал "Конференц-зал" All we know, that everybody needs fresh water. Without water people, animals and plants cannot live. All humans need fresh water if they are to stay fit and healthy. Of the total supply of water on the Earth, only about 3 percent of it is fresh, and most of that is stored as ice and snow at the poles, or is so deep under the surface of the Earth that we cannot get to it. That's about 4,300,000 cubic kilometers of fresh water.

3 Chemical wastes because of what the water is contaminated?
oil spillage Chemical wastes Human factor Spraying pesticides dangerous for the environment plants which cause acid rains Chemicals sprayed onto fields and crops, such as pesticides can all soak into the soil when it rains. Smoke from plants can contain harmful chemicals such as those which create acid rain. Электронный журнал "Конференц-зал"

4 Example of the dangers of chemical waste
Электронный журнал "Конференц-зал" Example of the dangers of chemical waste A good example is the Love Canal site near Niagra Falls in the United States of America. During the 1940's and 1950's the canal was used as a dump for 22,000 tonnes of chemical wastes. The site was then filled in and covered in soil, and houses built over the top. In 1978 it was noticed that many people there were ill and that children were being born with defects. It didn't take long to discover why, and the worst affected areas were evacuated.

5 Электронный журнал "Конференц-зал"
So, once in the water, chemical wastes pose a great danger for all living things

6 How can we help stop water pollution
Электронный журнал "Конференц-зал" How can we help stop water pollution 1. We must take care of the nature 2. We must control the discharge of wastes into water 3. Ensure the safety of movement of oil tankers 4. Monitor the cleanliness of the shoreline of reservoirs 5. Do not bury the chemical and radioactive wastes in the oceans

7 Электронный журнал "Конференц-зал"
Conclusion Water pollution is a serious global Problem. It  is the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases and it accounts for the deaths of more than 14,000 people daily. If we want to see the Earth clean in the future, we need to start taking care of nature now

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