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Spelling this week!

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Presentation on theme: "Spelling this week!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spelling this week!

2 Abreviations

3 August .

4 . Avenue

5 Boulevard lvd.

6 December . LaMoure, ND

7 Friday .

8 Sunday .

9 Monday .

10 Tuesday .

11 Wednesday .

12 Thursday .

13 Saturday .

14 September .

15 March . LaMoure, ND

16 November .

17 October .

18 April .

19 February .

20 January . LaMoure, ND

21 Road d.

22 Street .

23 Vocabulary this week!

24 Closely observe this photo for the next word.

25 LaMoure, ND


27 It was a mite windy before the tornado hit.
A bit windy It was a mite windy before the tornado hit. LaMoure, ND

28 Which of these is distinct?

29 The patient could see the eye chart distinctly.
clearly The patient could see the eye chart distinctly.

30 Closely observe this photo for the next word.
LaMoure, ND



33 On the prairie, we are used to having many zephyrs.
West wind On the prairie, we are used to having many zephyrs. LaMoure, ND

34 Closely observe this photo for the next word.
LaMoure, ND

35 Trifling (Not important) Important

36 Many of the stories that children tell in school are trifling.
Not important Many of the stories that children tell in school are trifling.

37 Closely observe this photo for the next word.

38 rambunctious Active and noisy in a violent way
The bighorn sheep were rambunctious on the mountains. Paulette Carlson, LaMoure, ND

39 Background Knowledge “Mc Broom and the Big Wind” is a tall tale. A tall tale uses humorous exaggeration in a series of extraordinary events that are handled in inventive ways. The hero of this tale is Josh Mc Broom. It takes place on a farm. People on farms often have to deal with harsh environmental conditions. Some things, such as shotguns, are common on farms.

40 Preview the first few pages.
What do you think that this story may have to do with survival? What do you think the author’s purpose is for writing this story? What is this long word? Willjillhesterchesterpeterpollytimtommarylarryandlittleclarinda When going through this story, please raise your hand upon ident- ifying examples of exaggeration.

41 Online links: Other tall tales, such as Paul Bunyan And Pecos Bill. Go to the following for a brief storyline of them.

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