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What Caused the Civil War?

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Presentation on theme: "What Caused the Civil War?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Caused the Civil War?
DBQ: Document Based Question

2 The DBQ Project Method Step 1: The Hook (Engaging the students)
Step 2: The Background Essay (Building Context) Step 3: Clarifying the Question (Defining Key Terms & Pre-bucketing) Step 4: Close Analysis (Understanding the Documents ) Step 5: Grouping the Documents (Post-Bucketing) Step 6: Writing (From Thrash-out to Essay)

3 The DBQ Project Method Step 1: The Hook Engaging the students

4 Hook: Understanding Point of View
The Battle Cry of Freedom was sung by both Yankee and Confederate soldier in the their camps and when on the march. North and South, the melody was the same, but the words were different. Compare the third verse and the chorus of the Union and Confederate versions. Judging from these lyrics alone, for what was each side fighting? In your analysis, be sure to consider the meaning behind such words as “traitors,” “tyrants,” and “freedom.” Music link

5 Music link

6 Confederate Flags The Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia.
“Stars and Bars.” The first national flag of the Confederate States of America with 13 stars “Stainless Banner.” The second national flag of the Confederate States of America The Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. “The Blood-Stained Banner.” The third national flag of the Confederate States of America.

7 What Caused the Civil War?
On sticky notes, predict the answer(s) to this question.

8 Step 2: The Background Essay
The DBQ Project Method Step 2: The Background Essay Building context Time, place and story

9 1) 9) 2) 6) 10) 3) 13) 7) 4) 8) 11) 5) 14) 12)

10 Step 2: The Background Essay
The DBQ Project Method Step 2: The Background Essay Time Place Story (related to question)

11 9) Missouri Compromise


13 Background Summary Individually: Write a 3-4 sentences summary that includes time, place and major story events. key ideas: 1787, United States, North, South, slavery, westward expansion/territories, conflict, compromises, failure, 1861, Civil War

14 The DBQ Project Method Step 3: Clarifying the Question
What Caused the Civil War?

15 Part One: Defining Key Terms
Step 3: Clarifying the Question Part One: Defining Key Terms 1 What Caused the Civil War? To make Something happen Conflict between people in the same country Started 1861

16 Part Two: Identifying the Task
Step 3: Clarifying the Question (continued) Part Two: Identifying the Task Discussion Question: Does the question ask you to come up with several reasons for the Civil War or one overall reason? Rewrite the question as a statement in your own words, including dates.

17 Step 3: Clarifying the Question
Pre-bucketing Directions: Using any clues from the discussion and documents you’ve read so far, predict the analytical categories for the buckets. Think about analysis in two large categories: close analysis and gross analysis Close Analysis refers to breaking dowj an individual document into categories like fact, inference, main idea, and point of view. Gross anaysis refers to the clustering or bucketing of documents into analytical categories. This gives students a visual framwork for their analysis and eventually their paper. Pre-bucketing provides reading readiness – a purpose for reading. Buckets eventually become body paragraphs; an essay framework. Cause A Cause B Cause C

18 Where do your sticky notes fit?
Step 3: Clarifying the Question Pre-bucketing Think about analysis in two large categories: close analysis and gross analysis Close Analysis refers to breaking dowj an individual document into categories like fact, inference, main idea, and point of view. Gross anaysis refers to the clustering or bucketing of documents into analytical categories. This gives students a visual framwork for their analysis and eventually their paper. Pre-bucketing provides reading readiness – a purpose for reading. Buckets eventually become body paragraphs; an essay framework. A. Ideas About the Morality of Slavery C. Failure of Political Compromise B. Differing Economies Where do your sticky notes fit?

19 Understanding the Documents
The DBQ Project Method Step 4: Close Analysis Understanding the Documents

20 Understanding the Documents
Step 4: Close Analysis Understanding the Documents Modeled Instruction for Document A

21 Document Analysis Steps
What do you see? Draw a box around everything you see Write the ? on top of the box Mark the doc (letter/number); source; note(s) and caption(s) with an arrow Examine the source(s) Consider the notes and captions Close read of document

22 Examine the source

23 Doc 1 What Caused the Civil War? Secondary Source

24 Inferences are conclusions reached, based on the evidence.
An Argument summarizes and explains how the evidence answers the question. 1) Inferences are conclusions reached, based on the evidence. Evidence (quotes/ facts) comes directly from the documents. Bucket = Sub-Claim What you will prove

25 Doc 1 What Caused the Civil War? Secondary Source Important facts:
The maps show all slaves & cotton production were in the South and the majority of railroads were in the North Inferences: The South’s economy depended on cotton and slavery. The North had better transportation for connecting goods and markets to sell them and for transporting people around the region. How does this document help answer the question: The North and South had developed very different economies, splitting the country into 2 regions. Bucket(s): B. Differing Economies

26 Understanding the Documents
The DBQ Project Method Step 4: Close Analysis Understanding the Documents Guided Practice

27 Inferences are conclusions reached, based on the evidence. 1)
Examine the source Inferences are conclusions reached, based on the evidence. An Argument summarizes and explains how the evidence answers the question. 1) Evidence (Facts/ Quotes) comes directly from the document 2) Bucket = Sub-Claim What you will prove

28 Document Analysis Steps
What do you see? Draw a box around everything you see Write the ? on top of the box Mark the doc (letter/number); source; note(s) and caption(s) with an Examine the source(s) Consider the notes and captions Close read of document

29 Doc 2





34 Doc 7

35 Doc 8



38 Doc 11

39 Understanding the Documents
The DBQ Project Method Step 4: Close Analysis Understanding the Documents The Independent Practice

40 Step 5: Grouping the documents
Post Bucketing & Rank Order the Buckets 4 7 5 6 8 1 2 7 8 9 9 11 3 10 10 11 Differing Ideas About the Morality of Slavery Differing Economies Failure of Political Compromises

41 Bucketing – Selecting the Best Evidence
Step5: Grouping the Documents Bucketing – Selecting the Best Evidence 4 7 5 6 8 1 2 9 7 8 9 3 11 10 10 11 Differing Ideas About the Morality of Slavery Differing Economies Failure of Political Compromises

42 Bucketing – Rank Ordering the Evidence
The DBQ Project Method Step5: Grouping the Documents Bucketing – Rank Ordering the Evidence 4 7 5 6 8 1 2 9 7 11 8 9 10 3 10 11 Differing Ideas About the Morality of Slavery Differing Economies Failure of Political Compromises

43 The DBQ Project Method Step 6: Writing

44 From thrash-out to essay
The DBQ Project Method Step 6: Writing From thrash-out to essay


46 Introduction: Individually Body: Group

47 Rainbow Highlight


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