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Cerebral Cortex Cerebral hemispheres Gray & white matter

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1 Cerebral Cortex Cerebral hemispheres Gray & white matter
Gyri & sulci (in humans) Fissures Longitudinal, central, lateral Corpus callosum Connects the 2 hemis

2 Cerebral Cortex 4 lobes of the brain Frontal Parietal Occipital
PFC Parietal Occipital Temporal

3 4 Lobes of the Brain Frontal Parietal Occipital Temporal
Motor function PFC Complex cognitive functions Parietal Somatosensory (touch) Perceiving location of body & objects Attention Occipital Vision Temporal Hearing & language

4 4 Lobes of the Brain



7 Cells of the Nervous System
Neurons Glia

8 Cells of the Nervous System: Neurons
Cells specialized for the reception, conduction & transmission of electrochemical signals Different classes based on shape/# of projections from cell body Multipolar Most neurons are multipolar Unipolar Bipolar Interneurons

9 Neurons

10 Parts of the Neuron Dendrites Cell body (soma) Axon hillock Axon
Receive input from other neurons Cell body (soma) Energy center; contains the nucleus Axon hillock Where the soma joins the axon Axon Sends signal from the soma towards other neurons Myelin sheath Insulation around the axon to increase the speed of the signal Nodes of Ranvier Gaps between myelin sections Terminal Buttons End of axon branches that release chemicals into the synapse

11 Parts of the Neuron Synapse Synaptic vesicles Neurotransmitters
Gaps between terminal buttons of sending neuron & dendrites of receiving neuron Where chemical signals are released Synaptic vesicles Packages inside the terminal buttons that contain ready-to-release neurotransmitters Neurotransmitters Molecules that are released to transmit the chemical signal from one neuron to another


13 Neurons Lipid bilayer: neuron cell membrane Groups of nerve structures
Channel proteins Groups of nerve structures Mostly cell bodies: In CNS: nuclei In PNS: ganglia Mostly axons: In CNS: tracts In PNS: nerves

14 Cells of the Nervous System: Glia
Long ignored by neuroscience Glia ≥ neurons 4 main types Oligodendrocytes Schwann Cells Microglia Astrocytes

15 Cells of the Nervous System: Glia
Oligodendrocytes: Make up myelin sheaths that wrap around axons in the CNS to increase the speed of signal conduction 1 glia: multiple myelin Schwann Cells: Similar function but in the PNS 1 glia: 1 myelin Can guide regeneration Glia means glue

16 Cells of the Nervous System: Glia
Microglia: Act in response to injury or disease; multiply and engulf cellular debris and trigger inflammatory responses Astrocytes: Contact blood vessels and neuron cell bodies to allow the transfer of some chemicals

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