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Candyce Reynolds, Ph.D., Educational Leadership and Policy

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1 Crossing Boundaries in a School-Wide Program: Collaborating Across Specializations
Candyce Reynolds, Ph.D., Educational Leadership and Policy Micki Caskey, Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction Portland State University

2 Roundtable

3 Roundtable Addresses a Complex problem
Engage diversity of experiences and opinions Opportunity for exchange and collaboration Movement from “objective/neutral/universal to accountable/political/situated”

4 What is your problem/concern? What brought you to this session?

5 What is the context? Portland State Graduate School of Education
EdD in Educational Leadership, almost 30 year history Curriculum and Instruction Educational Administration Postsecondary Special Education Shared core courses (27 of 72 credit program): 1st year: Prosem, Learning, Organizations, Policy 2nd year: Paradigms of research, Quantitative, Qualitative Specialization courses (27 credits) Dissertation (18 credits)

6 More Context: Post CPED
Diversity of Opinions What are we preparing students for? What should be in the curriculum? What does a capstone/dissertation look like? Shouldn’t we have a PhD? Or shouldn’t we do it the way we’ve always done it? (basically a PhD) Faculty governance Move from a committee to a Doctoral Faculty Issues: Program Maintenance Vision/Mission Work

7 Last year: Developing Governance Structure
DPF Specialization Subcommittees Big Picture Issues What is an EdD? What does it mean to get an EdD from us? Exploring our connection to CPED? Is it a fit? If so, how do we leverage their work to make our work better? Curriculum What do we teach in the core? Program Maintenance Oversee Admissions, Oversee Assessment, Special Issues beyond specialization scope Ad Hoc and Ongoing Subcommittees Ad Hoc Governance Curriculum Committee Program Maintenance Admissions Special Situations: Timely progress, Re-admits Big Picture Issues Establish learning outcomes/curriculum aligned with ultimate career outcomes (who are we preparing?) Establishing/revising Learning outcomes for specialization Establishing/revising Specialization content and process Using assessment to improve curriculum Work with DPF in establishing/revising core curriculum Communicate with DPF about their work

8 This year: Big Picture Issues for DPF
Using Improvement Science for answering Big Picture issues Problem in practice: Doctoral students, advisers, and doctoral course faculty do not share a common vision and understanding of the GSE Doctoral Program. 1st: Fishbone Diagram: potential causes next: Chose Cause and make changes to address the problem

9 Sharing of issues and discussion
Think, Pair, Share What would you like to talk about? Report out Discuss

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