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6.1 – Introduction to the Atmosphere & 6.2 – Stratospheric Ozone

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Presentation on theme: "6.1 – Introduction to the Atmosphere & 6.2 – Stratospheric Ozone"— Presentation transcript:

1 6.1 – Introduction to the Atmosphere & 6.2 – Stratospheric Ozone

2 BEFORE YOU START... Save this document to your desktop with the name “6.1 & 6.2 – yourname” Upload it to the folder Ms. McCrindle shared with you Complete your progress in this uploaded folder, NOT the one you saved to yourselves. Ms. McCrindle needs access to monitor progress / assess the work.

3 TASK Instructions You are required to work through each of the slides, and give as much detail as possible. The best way to learn throughout this task will be: Use pictures. Use your own words! (research, but read and then rewrite) A sample assignment may or may not be posted on to help guide you. Do not copy off the posted completed assignment. You should aim to finish Task 1 by Friday, March 2nd. 

4 6.1

5 The Atmospheric System
Using Figure and page 275, fill in the following table: Atmospheric Layers (write in the names below) Height range (km) Temperature range (ºC) Contains ozone? Contains most reactions connected to living things 1. Troposphere Less than 10km +20 to -60 yes 2. Stratosphere 10-50km -60 to -25 3. Mesosphere 50-80 km -25 to -90 no 4. Thermosphere More than 80 km  -90 to constant rise (to 1500C) No 

6 Atmospheric composition
What are the percentages of the Earth’s atmospheric gasses? 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, 1% other How can we measure the composition of the Earth's gasses in the distant past? We cant What is the relationship in Figure between carbon dioxide and temperature? What other factors besides atmospheric carbon may influence Earth temperatures?

7 Greenhouse Effect Is the greenhouse effect a positive and/or negative thing? Explain

8 Greenhouse Effect What is the albedo affect of the clouds? How much (%) does it account for? What happens to the remaining % reaching Earth? After reading p explain the process of the greenhouse effect in your own words.

9 Albedo in Antarctic Check this out 

10 Greenhouse gasses What are the primary greenhouse gases?
Why aren’t nitrogen and oxygen considered greenhouse gasses?

11 6.2

12 Introduction to ozone What is ozone?
How is it created? Include a picture in your explanation. What is the role of ozone?

13 Ozone benefits What are some of the harmful UV effects the ozone layer protects against? List at least 4 Where is the largest ozone hole on Earth? Watch this! 

14 Ozone-depleting Substances
In your own words, explain how ODSs work. List at least 3 ODSs providing a use/source for each

15 Ozone-depleting Substances
What has replaced CFCs? Evaluate the use of this new refrigerant. Even though CFC production has been drastically reduced, are CFCs still a problem? (hint: skip to page p285)

16 The Montreal Protocol Describe the Montreal Protocol. Why is it significant?

17 New ozone data Read the article The article states that “The finding of declining low-latitude ozone is surprising, since our current best atmospheric circulation models do not predict this effect”. State at least one reason why this is possible.

18 Your Impact Visit Do you ever use any ODPs?

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