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How does the Populist Movement plan to rescue America?

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1 How does the Populist Movement plan to rescue America?

2 $2.00 68¢ Farming Problems in Late 1800s Crop prices fall
-Corporations buying small farms and creating large single crop bonanza farms 2. Farmer’s debt increases -Small farms borrowing to keep up with bonanza farms 3. Retirement of Greenbacks -can’t cash Greenbacks for gold, farmers money loses value 68¢ 4. Railroad shipping rates -RR co’s have monopoly, high rates esp. for short hauls

3 Discuss: You and your partner are farmers, what could you do to improve the situation?
Farmers organize the Grangers, Grange leader Oliver Hudson Kelley able to get state laws passed that regulate RR rates RR Cos sue over Granger laws – Munn v. Illinois Sup. Court rules in favor of Grangers saying states can regulate RR for public benefit, Congress will regulate travel between states

4 Populists (People’s Party)
New political party called Populists formed, goal is to help farmers & workers w/ drastic changes to govt Sen. William Jennings Bryan made Populist mainstream and saw the cause as “righteous” (Cross of Gold) Restore power to the people!

5 Populist Party Platform
1) Back money with gold OR silver (bilmetalism/free silver movement) 2) Senators directly elected by people (power to people) 3) Eight hour work day 4) Graduated tax – those who make more pay more Results of Populist Movement (1892) 10% of pop vote, 3 Governors, 2 Senators

1)Over-expansion of railroads 2)Shrinking federal gold reserve 3) People panic & pull money out of banks Results: BANKRUPT 1)Six major railroads COLLAPSED 2) 500 banks 3) 3 million jobs lost DEPRESSION

7 Presidential Election 1896
-Republicans back gold & high tariffs Nominee: William McKinley -Democrats back bimetallism & low tariffs Nominee: William Jennings Bryan -Populists back bimetallism & no tariff Nominee: William Jennings Bryan but nominate a different VP candidate Result: McKinley wins, Why? Dems & Populists split vote

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