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Ashish Pandit, Louis Zelus, Jonathan Whitman

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Presentation on theme: "Ashish Pandit, Louis Zelus, Jonathan Whitman"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ashish Pandit, Louis Zelus, Jonathan Whitman
Free the Data (API) Ashish Pandit, Louis Zelus, Jonathan Whitman Introduction Why API? Managed APIs API Manager Demo Getting involved

2 Agenda API Managed API API Manager Demo
Campus initiatives with regards to API

3 Free the Data (Responsibly)
Data is captured by individual departments Student admission office §  Admissions Academic system generates §  Student Academic Data (waitlists, class registration, student academic status, grades etc.) HR is storing § HR Person § Student contact information Financial system stores § Student financials, holds

4 Companies don’t just provide one applications
How do we create multi-channel experience?


6 What is an API? An API is a Business capability delivered over the internet to internet or to external consumers How is it different from web service. In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not Available using standard web protocol With well defined interface Designed for accessed by third parties


8 API Growth



11 Introduction to REST The six characteristics of REST:
Uniform interface Stateless Cacheable Layered Decoupled client-server interaction Extensible through code on demand (optional) * Services that do not conform to the above required contstraints are not strictly RESTful web services. Paraphrased from Wikipedia: The REST architectural style describes six constraints applied to the architecture: Uniform interface This is the API of the web service, describing operations and data structures. It simplifies and decouples the architecture of both client and server, enabling each to evolve independently. Client–server decoupling Clients are separated from servers by a uniform interface. For portability, clients must not concern themselves with data storage. For simplicity and scalability, servers must not concern themselves with the UI or user state. Servers and clients may be replaced and developed independently, as long as the interface is not altered. Stateless No client context should be store on the server between requests. Each request contains all of the information necessary to service the request and session state is held in the client. The server can be stateful, but server-side state must be addressable by URL as a resource. This makes servers: More scalable. More visible for monitoring. More reliable in the event of partial network failures Cacheable Clients may cache responses, so responses must define whether they are cachable to prevent clients reusing stale or inappropriate data in response to further requests. Well-managed caching can eliminate repetitive client–server interactions, further improving scalability and performance. Layered system A client’s connection to a server may pass directly to the service or through several intermediaries, allowing: Scalability by enabling load balancing and by providing shared caches The enforcement of security policies. Code on demand (optional) Servers may temporarily extend or customize the functionality of a client by transferring logic to be executed. (e.g. client-side JavaScript) If a service violates any constraint other than “code on demand”, it cannot strictly be referred to as REST web service. Complying with these constraints, and thus conforming to the REST architectural style, will improvie a service’s Performance Scalability Simplicity Modifiability Visibility Portability Reliability


13 Roles Roles Functionality API Developer Browse the store, Create APIs
API Governance Committee Approve and Publish API Application Developer Browse the store, Subscribe to APIs Application User Needs to be authenticated and authorized IT Owner View Reports, Monitor Performance Data Owner Provide Subscription Approvals, View Reports


15 Demonstrate – Student Eligibility API
1. API Developer creates an API 2. Publish the API 3. Application developer subscribes to API 4. Approves access to API 5. Application Developer Subscribe application to API, get Key and Invoke API HTTP Method URL Pattern Payload GET students/{id}/eligibility/academic? termCode={termCode}&academicLevel={academicLevel} Response reasonList – string Status – string (S, F, W, E)


17 How do I publish my APIs to the store?
API Manager Infrastructure Q3 Governance Committee Define the process Define the interface

18 Campus API and Governance
§   Admissions §  Transfer coursework §  Current and permanent address §  General admission data (major, etc) §   Registrar §  Coursework §  Registration status (by term) §   Person §  Data codes §  Current and permanent Address §  Address § Data Warehouse dataAccess Link API (ability to integrate apps easily into access link)" §  View/Lift/Place holds §  View majors §  View  minors §  View Cum. Gpa §  View Student Academic Data (class list, waitlists, academic status registration status, etc.) § Student contact information § Preauthorization

19 SOA Governance

20 API – Use Case Preauthorizations for Courses Current process
By hand By hummingbird script Colleges – First Year Experience Course 3,300 Pre-authorizations to place Use of API server to place Pre-authorization in batch Phase 2 – campus effort Thousands of preauthorizations placed by campus staff for students into courses. Partners include EVC and CSE

21 Publishing UCSD Agility

22 Getting Involved SOA Governance committee SOA Center of Excellence (COE) – (In progress) Contact: Ashish Pandit Jude Poole

23 Questions?

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