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Introduction to Biology

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1 Introduction to Biology
Week 1 Welcome! Ms. Marsico

2 Schedule Review of Syllabus and class expectations
Chapter 1: A View of Life Virtual Lab 1: Independent and Dependent Variables Homework for next week

3 Syllabus Please sign acknowledgment Paper Engrade Codes

4 Chapter 1: A View of Life 1.1 The Characteristics of Life
Organisms: all living things

5 Living things are organized
Unicellular: made of one cell Multicellular: made of more than one cell Cell: the smallest, most basic unit of life Levels of Biological Organization: cell- tissues-organs-organ systems- complex organisms


7 Living things acquire materials and energy
Energy: the ability to do work Metabolism: all the chemical reactions in a cell Photosynthesis: a process that transforms solar energy into chemical energy Homeostasis: maintenance of internal conditions within certain boundaries

8 Living things reproduce and develop
Living things respond To their environment (their behavior) Living things reproduce and develop Reproduce: make another organism like itself Living things have adaptations Adaptations: modifications that make organisms suited to their way of life

9 Evolution: The Core Concept of Biology
Evolution: process by which a species have changed and diversified since life arose

10 The diversity of life Taxonomy: discipline of identifying and classifying organisms according to certain rules Categories of classification: species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom and domain Scientific naming: Binomial Name (two part name consisting of the genus and species) Genus species, i.e. Homo sapiens Domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya First two are prokaryotes Kingdoms: Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Amimalia

11 Natural Selection The process by which evolution occurs, in four steps Descent with modification, one species can be the ancestor to several species

12 Population: all the members of a species within a particular community
How the Biosphere is Organized Biosphere: all the air, land, and water at the surface of the Earth where living organisms are found Population: all the members of a species within a particular community Community: Populations together Ecosystems: Communities and the physical environment

13 Biology: The scientific study of life
Science: A Way of Knowing Biology: The scientific study of life

14 Scientific Method Observation Hypothesis
Inductive reasoning – using creative thinking to combine facts into a cohesive whole Hypothesis- possible explanation for a natural event

15 Experiments/ Further observations
Experiment- a series of procedures to test a hypothesis Experimental variable- the deliberately changed variable Test groups- exposed to the experimental variable Control group- group that is not experimental variable Model- representation of an actual object Data- results of an experiment

16 Scientific theories- accepted explanations for how the world works
Conclusion The hypothesis is supported or not supported Scientific theories- accepted explanations for how the world works Principle/law- theories that are generally accepted by an overwhelming number of scientists


18 How to do a Controlled Study, page 12-13
Example experiment

19 Science and Bioethical Issues
Technology- application of scientific knowledge for a practical purpose Bioethics- branch of ethics that is concerned with the development and consequences of biological technology Biodiversity- variation in life on Earth (number of species) Extinction- death of a species or larger group

20 Review Questions The region of the Earth’s surface where all organisms are found is called the biosphere

21 All the chemical reactions that occur in a cell are called

22 A modification that helps equip organisms for their way of life is a(n)

23 The process of turning solar energy into chemical energy is called

24 A group of interbreeding individuals is a

25 Information collected from a scientific experiment is known as

26 The smallest living unit is a(n)

27 Virtual Lab
Dependent and Independent Variables Read Directions Carefully! We’ll review together today, but most days you finish on your own

28 Homework Review Part I: The Cell
Skip Chapter 2- use as a reference only Chapter 3-7 We have no class the 4th or September 5th, therefore we will have a class make up day (the day of the final) on September 12th.

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