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Industrialism, Colonialism and Social Change

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1 Industrialism, Colonialism and Social Change
Why is this a global “break” in history? Why do we start here? Begins 1750 Evolution of ideas from Enlightenment and Absolutism Ends 1914 – Beginning of WWI (end of long) Shifts in technology Would there be a better time period name? 1750 – 1914

2 Changes in Global Commerce, Communication and Technology
Patterns of World Trade Who, where, what, how in 1750? What will and won’t change by 1914? Ex: English…Europe isn’t a dominant player….but is in a position of increasing dominance and beginning to dominate. They have access to new markets/silver/technological advances/ colonies. China vs. England…why did England really boom? Ken Pomeranz – “The great divergence”

3 Changes in Global Commerce, Communication and Technology
Modes of transportation/ communication Impact of railroad, steam, telegraph Suez Canal, Panama Canal

4 Suez Canal Suez Canal opened in 1869

5 Changes in Global Commerce, Communication and Technology
Industrial Revolution Origins of I.R. – where, what and when Rationale of capitalism – Adam Smith Impact of I.R. on time, family, work, labor Relationship of nations during I.R. Intellectual responses to I.R. – Marxism, socialism Goal: roots of I. R. Talk about Marx and Adam Smith

6 Power loom Robber barons Milltown Streetchildren Miner

7 Demographic and Environmental Changes
Migration – Immigration Why? Where? The largest migration of this time was between China and SE Asia Asian and S. America From 1800’s. Indentured labor issues! Diaspor communities in SE Asia. Population issues: China is looking for places/alternative…land issues

8 Demographic and Environmental Changes
New Birthrate Patterns Disease prevention and eradication Food Supply

9 Changes in Social and Gender Structure
Industrial Revolution Commercial developments Tension between work patterns and ideas about gender Emancipation of serfs and slaves Europe/Japan DBQ and industrial revolution. Text books have good global perspectives. IMPORTANT TOPIC

10 Changes in Social and Gender Structure
Women’s emancipation movements

11 Political Revolutions and Independence Movements
Latin American independence movements Why? Important to see sequencing…Latin America gets independence long before African countries. Why were they so early? Simon Bolivar

12 Political Revolutions and Independence Movements
Why revolution now? Where? United States (1776) France (1789) Haiti (1803) Mexico (1910) China (1911) Sometimes save Mexico and China for 20th century….

13 Political Revolutions and Independence Movements
Haitian Revolution Toussaint L’Ouverture Have the kids write a “recipe” of the 3 revol. (US/France/Haiti). Make a graphic organizers to get basic ideas. They then turn in a “recipe: Lesson in file. Is it cooked? Is it boiled? Stirred? What are the measurements? Cup of peasants? Video from “Bridging World History” Series…it streams online! Haitian Revolution You can do the DBQ. Also you can do the activity: “discovery of Global Past” book…it will be sent to me. Good picture and Eulogy of L’Ouverture. Students have to work through the ideas of revolution. (on powerpoint by deb in file) How are revolutions connected and compared in history….common themes and symbology. Art connection! Note: Jefferson feared that american slaves would do the same…he boycotted trade of sugar with Haiti….destroyed haiti’s economy

14 Political Revolutions and Independence Movements
Mexican Revolution

15 Political Revolutions and Independence Movements
Chinese Revolution Dr. Sun Yat Sen

16 New Political Ideas Rise of nationalism
Growth of nation-states/empires Grimms fairy tales : find common heritage….use stories of common man. They are an example of how nationalism works. Ideas of building a nation-state. Grimms brothers looked around and helped build the culture of nationalism.

17 New Political Ideas Movements of political reform Jacobins in France
Taiping Rebellion in China Taiping Rebellion (1860’s) more people died in this than in WWI and WWII combined. Started by a Chinese Christian and starts movement of peaseant. They congregated and began committing suicide instead of being captured by chinese gov’t.

18 New Political Ideas Rise of democracy and its limitations Reform Women
Racism Social Darwinism Herbert Spencer Social darwinism

19 Rise of Western Dominance
Patterns of expansion Imperialism and colonialism African continent, much of Asia, and Oceania Imperialism and resistance Ethiopia and Siam – why were they the exceptions? Ethiopia was a Christian kingdom. The king was supported militarily from Euriopeans. He had army and weapons. It was considered someways “off limits”. They were able to resist. Siam (Thailand) had “defensive modernization” . It managed to escape imperialism because it seemed “modern” and western . Ex: king and I. They traded. Western educ. Systems. They looked “western”. Lesson: ½ class siam/1/2 class Ethiopia….explain how they were able to stay free and not be colonized. Hawaii and New Zealand: std issues/ genocide issues/

20 Rise of Western Dominance
Scramble for Africa

21 Rise of Western Dominance
Economic, political, social, cultural, & artistic

22 Rise of Western Dominance
Cultural and political reactions to Western dominance (reform, resistance, rebellion, racism, nationalism) Japan– Commodore Perry and Meiji Restoration Russia– Reforms and rebellions Siam and Ethiopia-- defensive modernization China--Boxer Rebellion Islamic and Chinese responses compared Impact of changing European ideologies on colonial administrations

23 Rise of Western Dominance
Japan– Commodore Perry and Meiji Restoration

24 Rise of Western Dominance
China—Boxer Rebellion

25 Diverse Interpretations
Modernization theory debates Cause of serf and slave emancipation? Nature of women’s roles at the time in industrial areas? In colonial societies? Elite versus lower class? “should we modernize them?’ and they’ll become so much like us? Students need to know: modernization isn’t a “fix-all”. This idea can’t be applied everywhere! Values and Ideas and diversity are factors. Cause of Serf and Slave emancipation – Do people just become more humane? Abolitionist movement has big impact? Why? More at root than this…industrialization replaces them in places. They aren’t needed as much. Women’s roles change: it isn’t the country…it’s the class structure. More diviision in womens roles in more modern societies.

26 Comparisons Industrial revolution in western Europe and Japan (causes and early phases) Revolutions (American, French, Haitian, Mexican, and Chinese) Reaction to foreign domination in Ottoman Empire, China, India and Japan VERY IMPORTANT! They need to know these. Give students comparison possibilities at beginning of units.

27 Ottomans- 19th century Young Turk Revolutionaries The Last Sultans

28 Comparisons Nationalism
Forms of intervention in 19th century Latin America and Africa Roles and conditions of upper/middle versus working/peasant class women in western Europe More comparison. Once again: class issues and women…not location issues

29 European women 19th century
Queen Victoria’s family British family in India Russian peasant family

30 Conclusions What are the global processes that are at play? Which have intensified? Diminished? Predict how the events of the 19th century are a natural culmination of earlier developments. What historical events in the 19th century would have most surprised historians of earlier eras? Nationalism/trade/revolutions… are happening everywhere…but different contexts around the world with different factors. Comparisons

31 Industrialism, Colonialism and Social Change
Why is this a global “break” in history? Why do we start here? Begins 1750 Evolution of ideas from Enlightenment and Absolutism Ends 1914 – Beginning of WWI (end of long) Shifts in technology Would there be a better time period name? 1750 – 1914

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