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I got a kidney transplant!! Now what?

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1 I got a kidney transplant!! Now what?
Divya Jain Arwindekar, DO Transplant Nephrologist Loyola University Medical Center April 14, 2018

2 Kidney Transplant Not a cure for kidney disease, but it is a very effective treatment Patients still have chronic kidney disease

3 Why do people get kidney transplants?
To get off of dialysis To live longer


5 Types of Kidney Transplant
Deceased Donor Also known as a cadaver donor The kidney was donated after death On average, lasts about 10 years Living Donor Does NOT need to be from someone who is related to you On average, lasts about 18 years


7 What can I do to keep my kidney from failing?

8 Know the players Patient—You!!
Transplant surgeon—performed the operation and will manage the surgical issues Lymphocele—a collection of fluid that can occur after the operation Wound infection Ureteral leak

9 Know the players Transplant Nephrologist – kidney doctor specialized in the care of the kidney transplant patient (both before and after), immunosuppression and other complications from kidney transplant Transplant Coordinator – takes care of everything! Keep their name, phone number and fax number on you. Transplant Pharmacist – reviews your medications, looks at the interaction between medications, guides the team with new medications

10 Know the players Transplant Social Worker – helps with emotional and social issues that arise, finds the needed resources for the transplant to succeed Dietician – reviews your health and nutritional status and how its effect on your kidney transplant Your nephrologist – your kidney doctor prior to your kidney transplant who will take care of you afterward Your primary care doctor

11 Compliance Compliance – the act of doing what you have been asked to do You are asked: To keep your appointments To take your medications the way that you are instructed To let the team know if there are any problems/issues

12 Compliance If you weren’t compliant, you would not have received a kidney transplant But, it’s easy to forget appointments and medications when you feel healthy or are no longer on dialysis

13 Appointments 2-3 times/week in the very beginning
After 4-6 weeks, this usually decreases to once a week appointments Once every 2 weeks Once a month Continue the taper After about a year, you should follow with your regular nephrologist every 2-3 months Still need to see the transplant center annually

14 Medications Maintenance Anti-Rejection Medications – immunosuppressants Tacrolimus – a.k.a. Prograf, Hecoria Cyclosporine – Neoral, Gengraf, Sandimmune Sirolimus – Rapamune Everolimus – Zortress Mycophenolate mofetil – mycophenolate, Cellcept Mycophenolic acid – Myfortic Prednisone – steroid medication Belatacept – Nulojix Leflunomide – Arava Eculizumab, rituximab…

15 What does my level mean? Many of your medications are monitored by checking drug levels Ideal drug levels are drawn as close to your next dose of that medication Medication doses are adjusted from the drug levels

16 Other Medications Valganciclovir – Valcyte
anti-viral to prevent cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in those at risk Acyclovir – anti-viral for those at very low risk for CMV. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole – Bactrim Antibiotic to prevent a certain pneumonia If not tolerating Bactrim, may receive dapsone or inhaled pentamidine

17 There are too many medications!!
In order to maintain your kidney transplant, the medications are necessary to prevent rejection and infections. Anti-rejection medications are not all the same

18 Why am I still on certain medications?
Remember, kidney transplant is a treatment, not a cure You still have kidney disease after transplant and may still be on medications for: Anemia – low hemoglobin Hyperparathyroidism – bone disorder High blood pressure

19 How can I remember to take my medications?
Pillbox Alarm List – keep it up to date!! Calendar

20 Will I ever come off of some of these medications?
Possibly As long as you don’t have a virus, you will likely not be on your anti-virals Some patients come off the pneumonia medication Talk to your transplant nephrologist about this


22 What can I do to lessen my medication burden?
Maintain a healthy lifestyle Diet Exercise Healthy weight Compliance Don’t smoke

23 What are some of the side effects from kidney transplant?
Increased risk for certain diseases High Blood Pressure Diabetes Cardiovascular Disease High Cholesterol Gout Infections Certain Cancers – although the overall risk of developing cancer is still low after transplant

24 What types of cancers am I at increased risk for?
Skin and Lip cancer Cancers caused by viruses Lymphoma

25 What should I do? Mammogram Pap Smears Prostate Cancer Screenings
Colonoscopy See a dermatologist (skin doctor) annually Wear sunscreen no matter your race or the weather SPF 30+

26 Is it safe for me to get vaccines?
Yes!! – But, only certain ones Every year FLU SHOT No inhaled flu vaccine – because it’s a live vaccine Make sure up to date for pneumonia vaccine Pneumonia booster every 3-5 years Two different types of pneumonia vaccines

27 What about other vaccines?
Ok to get the following: Haemophilus influenza B Tetanus Diphtheria Pertussis Salk polio (inactivated) Hepatitis B – if not vaccinated prior to transplant

28 What about other vaccines?
AVOID Live Vaccines: Inhaled flu Shingles or Zoster vaccine Measles Mumps Rubella Chicken pox – VZV Oral Polio BCG Yellow fever Typhoid

29 What if I want to travel? It’s okay to travel, but let your transplant center know where you are going You might need vaccines or medications prior to travel

30 What if I want to get pregnant?
Talk to your transplant doctor about this Ideally, you should wait at least 1 year after transplant Some medications may need to be changed If you are on mycophenolate, MMF, mycophenolic acid, Myfortic, Cellcept  do NOT get pregnant You need to be using contraception if you are not post- menopausal

31 Why might my kidney fail?
Rejection Recurrence of disease New kidney disease Diabetes High blood pressure Gout Medications

32 If my kidney fails, can I get another?
Possibly The overall goal though is to maintain your kidney transplant

33 Questions???

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