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Commitment and flexibility

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1 Commitment and flexibility
How does the following website show consistency, commitment and flexibility?

2 Minority influence AO1 To outline the three factors that make a minority influential. (D) AO2 To apply understanding of minority influence to explain how minorities can create change (C) AO3 Evaluate research studies into minority influence B upwards The exams will measure how students have achieved the following assessment objectives. • AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas, processes, techniques and procedures. • AO2: Apply knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas, processes, techniques and procedures: • in a theoretical context • in a practical context • when handling qualitative data • when handling quantitative data. • AO3: Analyse, interpret and evaluate scientific information, ideas and evidence, including in relation to issues, to: • make judgements and reach conclusions • develop and refine practical design and procedures.

3 https://www. youtube. com/watch
Minority influence and social change 1) Why does Moscovici say we conforms to the minority?


5 C. F. C’s important factors in minority influence
C.F.C’s important factors in minority influence. These are a must remember piece of information. Consistency – Minority influence is most effective if the minority keeps the same beliefs, both over time and between all the individuals that form the minority. It’s effective because it draws attention to the minority view. Commitment – minority influence is more powerful if the minority demonstrates dedication to their position, for example by making personal sacrifices. This is effective because it shows the minority is not acting out of self-interest. Augmentation principle? Flexibility – relentless consistency could be counter-productive if it is seen by the majority as unbending and unreasonable. Therefore minority influence is more effective if the minority show flexibility by accepting the possibility of compromise. Nemeth (1986)

6 The behavioural style of the suffragettes
The suffragettes used a variety of educational, political and militant tactics to highlight the fact that women were denied the same political right as men. Draw attention to a cause The suffragettes advocated a different political voting arrangement to that already in place. This created a conflict in the minds of the majority. Some of which dismissed the suffragettes as trouble makers, but others moved towards the suffragette position. The role of conflict Those that moved to the suffragette position would have experienced a particular type of social influence where they genuinely believe that the suffragettes were right in what they were saying. Informational social influence The suffragettes did not change their position, regardless of the attitudes around them. Moscovici argued that this is a key factor in the success of a minority influence. Consistency The suffragettes were willing to suffer to make their point heard e.g. risking imprisonment or even death from hunger strikes. This meant that they were taken more seriously by the majority. Augmentation principle Initially only small numbers moved to adopting the suffragette’s point of view but increasingly more and more people accepted their point of view. Eventually it became the point of view held by the majority and could no longer be ignored. Women were eventually given the vote in 1918. Snowball effect

7 Your tasks 1) Finish your leaflets and be ready to present them 15 MINUTES. 2) Complete the ‘check it questions’ on your handout.

8 Level Marks Description 3 5 – 6 Knowledge of social influence processes related to social change is clear and generally well detailed. Application to changing views of homosexuality is mostly clear and effective. The answer is generally coherent with appropriate use of terminology. 2 3 – 4 Knowledge of social influence processes related to social change is evident. There is some effective application to changing views of homosexuality. The answer lacks clarity in places. Terminology is used appropriately on occasions. 1 1 – 2 Knowledge of social influence processes related to social change is limited. Application to changing views of homosexuality is either absent or inappropriate. The answer as a whole lacks clarity and has inaccuracies. Terminology is either absent or inappropriately used. No relevant content. AO2 = 6 Possible content: Application of social influence research to changing views of homosexuality from the following: • factors affecting minority influence including consistency, commitment and flexibility • social change occurs when minority view, e.g. Gay Rights campaigners, challenges majority view and is eventually accepted as the majority • theory related to conformity such as informational social influence and / or internalisation • influence of obedience, e.g. changes to the laws making equal rights more of a social norm • credit other relevant points, e.g. influence of media, as long as they are rooted in sound psychology • can also credit theories linked to minority influence, e.g. social impact theory, snowball effect, social cryptoamnesia.

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