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Iraq and the Gulf War.

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Presentation on theme: "Iraq and the Gulf War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iraq and the Gulf War

2 I. Introduction Remaking the Modern Middle East

3 II. Background A. Establishment of Iraq
1. Ethnic and Religious Diversity 2. Whither Kuwait? 3. Geographical Problems

4 II. Background B. Iraq's Radical Turn 1. Baghdad Pact (1955)
2. Abd al-Karim Qasim, 1958 3. Bathist Coup (1968)

5 II. Background C. Saddam Husayn D. Economic Growth
1. Shatt al-Arab Waterway 2. Consolidation of Power D. Economic Growth

6 III. Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988 A. Causes B. Attrition
C. American Policy—Tilt Toward Iraq D. Tanker War

7 III. Iran-Iraq War, E. Resolution F. Legacy

8 IV. The Gulf War A. Iraq’s Claims B. Invasion of Kuwait, August 1990
1. American Reaction B. Invasion of Kuwait, August 1990 C. Operation Desert Shield, Fall 1990 D. Operation Desert Storm, Jan-Feb 1991

9 IV. The Gulf War E. Husayn Overthrown? F. Double Containment
G. American Defeat?

10 V. Aftermath A. Containing Iraq 1. Sanctions 2. Oil for Food Program
3. Inspections 4. Permanent Military Presence

11 V. Aftermath B. Arab Bitterness C. al-Qaeda

12 Saddam Husayn

13 Iran-Iraq War

14 Gulf War I

15 Kurdish Refugees

16 VI. Conclusion Full Circle: Gulf War II

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