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Development differences between Central and Eastern European regions by country borders Veronika Poreisz PhD. Student Széchenyi István University 1/15.

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Presentation on theme: "Development differences between Central and Eastern European regions by country borders Veronika Poreisz PhD. Student Széchenyi István University 1/15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development differences between Central and Eastern European regions by country borders Veronika Poreisz PhD. Student Széchenyi István University 1/15

2 Introduction of the investigated regions Theory – Characteristics of border regions – Spatial structures of Central and Eastern Europe – Cross-border cooperations Automotive industry Economic differences (2004-2010) – GDP per capita – Unemployment rate – R&D Summary Agenda 2/15

3 3/15

4 Characteristics of border regions Traditional approach – Border region huge influence of borders in economic and social factors (Hansen 1983) Modern approach (Hardi 2008) – End of EU borders restricive role – Border region influence of interactions with neighborhood areas (cities, traffic networks, inhabitants) 4/15

5 Spatial structures Source: 5/15

6 Cross-border cooperations CENTROPE cooperation areas: – Knowledge region – Human capital – Spatial integration – Culture & tourism Suggestion: – Extending the involved ares Poland Source: Centrope Stragegy 2013+ 6/15

7 CityRegion Factory The Czech Republik (11 automotive factories) KoprivniceMoravskoslezskoTatra NosoviceMoravskoslezskoHyundai Motor Manufacturing TrebicJihovýchodTedom Divize Bus Poland (16 aut. Fact.) Bielsko-BialaŚląskieFiat-GM Powertrain GliwiceŚląskieGeneral Motors Manufacturing Polan / Opel Polska NiepolmiceMałopolskieMAN Nutzfahrzeuge TychyŚląskieFiat Auto Poland Hungary (4 aut. F.) EsztergomKözép-DunántúlMagyar Suzuki Zrt GyőrNyugat-DunántúlAudi Hungária Motor Kft SzentgotthárdNyugat-DunántúlGeneral Motors Powertrain Slovakia (3Aut.fact.) BratislavaBratislavský regionVolkswagen Slovakia TrnavaZápadné SlovenskoPCA Slovakia (PSA Peugeot, Citroen) ZilinaStredné SlovenskoKia Motors Slovakia Austria (sum 4 aut. Fact.) Wien Opel Wien Gmbh 7/15


9 Regional GDP per capita in PPP in 2004 (EURO) 8/15

10 Regional GDP per capita in PPP in 2010 (Euro) 9/15

11 Unemployment rate in 2004 (%)) 10/15

12 Unemployment rate in 2009 (%)) 11/15

13 R&D payment per capita in 2004(Euro) 12/15

14 R&D payment per capita in 2009(Euro) 13/15

15 Summary Different trends of regional differences – In developed regions regional differences are stagnating/decreasing, – in moderately developed regions differences increased Role of regions with capital cities Crisis causes economic step back Efficient strategies and regional politics can be set up. They can enhance economic development and support and may strengthen the cooperation and cohesion of regions. 14/15

16 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Veronika Poreisz PhD. Student 15/15

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