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Vocab 14? Yeah, let’s go with that.

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1 Vocab 14? Yeah, let’s go with that.
AP: Vocab 14? Yeah, let’s go with that.

2 augment Verb To add to something
I took a second job to augment my income so that I could finally take a trip to Europe.

3 complacent Adjective Stupidly satisfied or comfortable (when you shouldn’t be) The senior was complacent though he had a 45% in English with only 22 days to go.

4 complicit Adjective Also guilty (along with others)
Though I didn’t take anything, the judge decided I was complicit because I helped them lie about it.

5 conjecture Noun Speculation (Guesswork without real evidence)
We must be careful not to engage in conjecture about what his personal life was like.

6 duplicitous Adjective Two-faced/deceitful
His boyfriend was a duplicitous liar, but, sadly, he was insecure so he stayed with him.

7 ephemeral Adjective Short-lived/temporary/fleeting
You will learn, too late, that youth is ephemeral.

8 Gainsay Verb To contradict/speak against
Connotation: Done often reflexively rather than thoughtfully You seem so determined to gainsay any point that I make, that it seems like you aren’t really interested in my perspective.

9 insidious Adjective Causing harm slowly, often
Unnoticed until it’s too late. Monitoring citizens can have the insidious effect of making people afraid to express ideas.

10 Negate Verb To cancel out
The flowers you sent don’t negate the fact that you cheated on me.

11 ominous Adjective Suggesting that something bad will happen
There were many ominous clouds on the horizon. The teacher made an ominous remark about the test results before handing them back.

12 patronize Verb To talk down to someone/be condescending
The teacher patronized his students and treated them like they were stupid.

13 sardonic Adjective Cynical/Sarcastic/Mocking
One too many sardonic remarks to his boss got him demoted from fry cook to bathroom duty.

14 M.O. Latin: Modus Operandi
“Mode of Operating”—”the pattern of behavior” You hear this a lot on cop shows like Law & Order The Joker’s m.o. is to leave a playing card at the scene of each of his crimes.

15 Pseudo- Latin Prefix When attached to another word, it means a “false” or “fake” version of that thing. He walked around acting like some kind of pseudo-expert just because he took one class on physics.

16 superfluous Adjective Beyond what is necessary/more than is needed
She already had a 99% in the class, so for her, the extra credit assignment was superfluous.

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