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What is a group? How and why do groups form?

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Presentation on theme: "What is a group? How and why do groups form?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a group? How and why do groups form?
4.2 Group Success What is a group? How and why do groups form?

2 Starter (5 minutes) Take a playing card
Split up into 4 groups depending on the suit of your card As a group you have 5 minutes to either support or reject the following statement and give the reasons why:- “Capital punishment is a good idea and should be reinstated into society”

3 Feedback Were you happy with your group’s decision?
Was it easy to come to a decision? If not, why not? Did anyone emerge as a leader?

4 What is a group? “Two or more individuals interacting with each other to be interdependent, have a social relationship and share a common objective.”

5 What is a group? (cont.) It is necessary that all 3 are met in order to be classified as a group... Interdependence Social Interaction Common Objective People at a bus stop have a common objective but limited social interaction- NOT a group Crowd at a football match have a common objective and will socially interact but have no interdependence- NOT a group

6 What is a group? (cont.) Group Dynamics
Interactive processes within the group, important to know as a coach. Norms (expectations) Roles within group Relationships between members How the group develops Need to belong to the group Social influences on each other Effects on member’s behaviour

7 How and why do groups form?
Tuckman’s Model Suggests that groups go through a 4 stage cycle During the cycle the group dynamics will be affected Forming Storming Norming Performing

8 Forming Members get to know each other Find out the task or objective
Show respect for each other (not necessarily working together) Coach tells group what to do

9 Storming Team member compete with each other, alliances are formed and power struggles begin Different types of leader emerge Coach must help team through the stage Difficult stage at which the team may fail

10 Norming Team members agree on how to work together, rules develop and acceptable behaviour is defined. Development of trust and ability to accept criticism Leaders emerge and take responsibility Coach becomes less involved and acts as a consultant

11 Performing Team works as a unit, high levels of interdependence and motivation Experienced members are able to make decisions independently Consultation and leadership is devolved but direction is accepted in times of need

12 The Model Groups can go back through the cycle New member to team
Change of captain/coach Suggested that to improve and avoid complacency teams need to go back through the storming stage A 5th stage called Mourning was introduced and happens after objective has been met (England 2003 RWC team)

13 Extended Learning Create a Sociogram for your club team (or a school one if not possible) Need to number the members of your group (keep it 15 max) Ask all members the following questions:- Who do you like most in the team? Who do you most often pass to? Who would you most like to have in your team?

14 Example In this group:- 1 is the star player
1 and 3 have a reciprocal relationship (probably based on perceived ability) 2, 4 and 5 have a clique (probably based on social interaction) 6 is an isolate 4 3 2 1 5 6

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