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GSRT Critical Design Peer Review

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1 GSRT Critical Design Peer Review
Solar Dynamic Observatory Ground System Verification February 15, 2005 Jeffrey Ferrara Robert Oertly

2 Peer Review Agenda Mission Overview Peer Review Board
SDO Ground System Elements & Architecture Summary of PDR RFAs Ground System Readiness Testing - Objectives & Responsibilities - Verification Approach - Test Phases - Test Planning - Test Team Responsibilities - Test Requirements Verification Matrix - Test Resources - Test Activities and Configurations - Discrepancy Reporting Schedule & Status Issues and Concerns

3 Peer Review Board Bruce Thoman (Chair) Code 592 Ken Lehtonen Code 584
Debra Knapp Code 440.8 Paul Garza Code 451 Vic Gher General Dynamics Vic Buczkowski Honeywell

4 Mission Overview – Living with a Star
In order to meet the needs of the Living With a Star program and determine the drivers and diagnostics of solar activity and variability which affect Earth and humanity, the Solar Dynamics Observatory must: Provide nearly continuous coverage of solar activity Provide coverage of the regimes (interior, photosphere, corona) in which the activity occurs Provide sufficient data on the types of phenomena which impact Earth, near-Earth space and humanity Observe over the relevant timescales (seconds to years) of solar variability

5 SDO Mission Summary SDO: Solar Dynamics Observatory Objective:
SDO spacecraft intended to carry a suite of solar observation instruments to monitor and downlink continuous, real time science data from the sun and distribute to Instrument analysis sites Launch Date: April 2008 Mission Duration: 5 years, 10 years of expendables Minimum Success: 5 years Orbit: 36,000km Circular, 28.5º Geo Synch Inclined Launch Vehicle: Atlas V Launch Site: KSC GS Sites: SDO Dedicated (SDOGS) Supporting Sites: USN, SN Instrument Module AIA EVE Propulsion Module HMI Spacecraft Bus Module X Antenna Booms Orbit Injection Engine Y Z

6 Mission Overview as related to Ground System
Ka Band - Continuous downlink of 150 Mbps of science data Science Data capture requirement: 99.99% of data 95% of the time Two Dedicated antennas at White Sands Auxiliary ground station support for L&EO and tracking data Three instrument groups controlled from Science Operations Centers (SOCs) Full Sun observations except for periodic calibration maneuvers SOCs are responsible for science data processing, archive, and distribution MOC is responsible for Housekeeping telemetry processing, archive, and distribution

7 Reference Documents SDO Detailed Mission Requirements (DMR) GS- REQ- 0005 SDO Operations Concept Document GS- PLAN- 0010 SDO GS Element-to-Element ICDs: (MOC/SOC) 464- GS- icd- 0001 (DDS/SOC) GS- icd (SDOS/MOC) GS- icd (MOC/USN) GS- icd (FDS/MOC) GS- icd- 0068 SDO GS Element Requirements Documents SDO Element Acceptance Test Plans RF Compatibility Test Plan (SDOGS and TDRS) GS- PLAN- 0072 External Networks RF Compatibility Test Plan GS- PLAN- 0073 SDO Observatory I&T Plan I&T- PLAN- 0030 Handbook for Mission Readiness Testing NP GSFC

8 SDO Ground System Elements
COMM - Communication Networks DDS - Data Distribution System FDF Flight Dynamics Facility FSML - Flight Software Maintenance Lab (and Flatsat Simulator) KSC - Kennedy Space Center, Florida MMOC - Minimal Mission Operations Center (Mini-MOC) MOC-ANS Automated Notification System MOC-FDS Flight Dynamics System MOC-ITPS - Integrated Trending & Plotting System MOC-MPS Mission Planning System MOC-T&C - Advanced System for Integration & Spacecraft Testing (ASIST)

9 SDO Ground System Elements (cont.)
PFDS - Portable FDS SDOGS - SDO Ground Station (2 antennas located at WSC) AIA-SOC - Atmospheric Imaging Assembly Science Operations Center EVE-SOC - Extreme-ultraviolet Variability Experiment Science Operations Center HMI-SOC - Helioseismic & Magnetic Imager Science Operations Center SN - Space Network (TDRS) USN - Universal Space Network

10 SDO Ground System Architecture
Telemetry & Command System ASIST / FEDS Telemetry Monitoring Command Management HK Data Archival HK Level-0 Processing Ground Station Control DDS Control Automated Operations Anomaly detection Flight Dynamics Maneuver Planning Product Generation R/T Attitude Determination Sensor/Actuator Calibration SDO Mission Operations Center EVE SOC Acquisition Data Observatory Commands Observatory HK Telemetry Tracking Data Integrated Trending & Plotting System Mission Planning & Scheduling Plan daily/periodic events Create engineering plan Generate Daily Loads HMI Science Data (55Mbps) Ka-Band: 150 Mbps Science Data Instrument Commands/Loads Data Distribution (Incl. 30-Day Science Data Storage) Ka Science Data AIA R/T HK Telemetry/ Science Planning and FDS Products EVE R/T HK Telemetry Science Planning and FDS Products Universal Space Network S-Band HK Tlm CMD, Acquisition Data Station/DDS Control Station/DDS Status SDO Ground Station WSGT S-Band: TRK, Cmd & HK Tlm S-Band: TRK, Cmd & HK Tlm Alert Notification Flight Software Maintenance Lab Flight software loads Simulated housekeeping telemetry S/C Memory dumps Simulated commands Same Interfaces as WSGT Ground Station HMI AIA JSOC Stanford Univ. Science Data Capture LMSAL Instrument Monitoring & Control STGT Facility Orbit Determination OD Products Space Network (L&EO only) Tracking Data CMD DDS & Ground Station Control AIA Science Data (67Mbps) EVE Science Data (7Mbps) (Palo Alto, CA) (Stanford, CA) Status and Control LASP (Boulder, CO) Data Ack. & Retrans. Requests FLATSAT HMI R/T HK Telemetry/ Science Planning and FDS Products SDO WSC FSW Support Tool Suite DDS & SDOGS Integrated Manager GSFC S-Band RF & FEP system Ka-Band RF system (Includes 72-hr storage) DDS FEP (Incl. 120-hr storage)

11 RFA Summary from GSRT PDR
Author: Robert Schweiss, John Donohue, & Glen Iona Summary: We were asked to show how we would assure the performance of the DDS and the ability of the Ground System to meet science data requirement Resolution: We provided more detailed information about the performance and testing of the DDS and the rest of the critical science data path, including an analysis of the Ground System availability and reliability. Status: Closed. RFA #19: Author: Steven Bundick Summary: Long-term testing of the Ka-band tracking capabilities was recommended. Resolution: Long-term testing of the Ka-band tracking capabilities will be incorporated into the GSRT Plan

12 GSRT Objectives & Responsibilities
Develop the Ground System Readiness Test Plan Establish an integrated test effort from acceptance testing through to operational readiness Verify that the Ground System can support all mission requirements in an integrated, end-to-end configuration. Provide an independent, documented record of Ground System performance, test discrepancies, and corrective actions. Establish and lead the Ground System Readiness Test Team in meeting these objectives.

13 GSRT Verification Approach
Ground system readiness is determined through a series of System, Acceptance, Integration tests, and Mission Simulations. This Verification Chart shows the test phases, purposes and responsible test party. Ground System Verification Test Phase Test Responsibility Conductors Test Types Purpose Problem Tracking Phase #1 Element/subsystem Development Tests Implementation Manager Element Developers Unit, System Internal development Verification of Level 4 Requirements Internal developer Phase #2 Element Acceptance Tests MOM FOT, SOT, SDOGS Team Acceptance Testing Development Verification of L3/4 in OPS environment CDS for NASA Ground System Phase #3 Ground System Readiness Testing GSRTM GSRTT Readiness Testing (Including SOC Integration) Integrated Functional L3 Verification CDS Phase #4 Spacecraft Testing with the Ground System MOM FOT, SOT E-T-E Type Tests Functional Verification with S/C opportunities PR/PFR Phase #5 Operational Tests and Simulations MOM FOT, SOT, SDOGS Team OPS Scenarios, Simulations Operational Readiness PR/PFR The Ground System Readiness Test Manager (GSRTM) has overall management responsibility for all phases of the SDO Ground System Testing.

14 Test Phases Element Level Testing, Phases 1 and 2
Software, hardware provider System Testing to verify level-4 requirements development Element Acceptance Testing to verify internally the operational system’s level-3/4 functionality Spacecraft development and test using some MOC and DDS sub-systems Ground System Readiness Tests (GSRT), Phase 3 Building block integration tests verifying the ground system level-3 requirements Demonstrate element-to-element interfaces and functional compatibilities Verify ground system end-to-end compatibility with the observatory and SOCs Verify the ground system functional capabilities and status prior to FOT tests with the spacecraft RF Compatibility Tests, Phase 3 Verify Spacecraft RF compatibility with ground station equipment by testing at GSFC Verify the Spacecraft RF compatibility with the SDOGS and USN ground system antennas and other systems by testing onsite.

15 Test Phases (cont.) Spacecraft – Ground System Tests, Phase 4
Validate ground system functions and interfaces with spacecraft realtime data and responses Provides Operations preparation for spacecraft launch and flight control Conducted with Spacecraft under I&T Team control and ground system under FOT control Mission Operations Simulations, Phase 5 Verify procedures and personnel operations in long term duration operational environments Demonstrates launch readiness using actual flight plans, procedures, and personnel Develops an operational team consisting of Project, Spacecraft, SOC, Ground, and FOT personnel

16 Test Planning The Ground System Readiness Test Plan (GSRT) describes the verification process. The GSRT Plan specifies: Test Methodology and Management to carry out ground system verification and readiness for spacecraft test opportunities. Verification of level-3 requirements Test configurations, and processes for discrepancy tracking, resolution and retest. Test readiness dates, dependencies and objectives. Test requirements, test cases, resources and the process for test procedure development Requirements traceability and verification tracking Test Resources and responsibilities Ground System Test team personnel roles and test responsibilities,

17 Test Team Responsibilities
The ground system verification process is planned and carried out through the Ground System Readiness Test Team (GSRTT) under direction of the Ground System Readiness Manager (GSRM). The GSRTT is comprised of ground system element personnel, quality assurance representatives, FOT and SOC personnel and simulator, test beds and test tool representatives The GSRTT members will be responsible for developing the detailed plans and scripts for the ground system tests and simulations, and for analyzing and documenting results. A test script, briefing message or other coordinating will be distributed to ensure that all test participants have the information needed to conduct the test The GSRTT will meet to plan tests, distribute test notification messages discuss the test results, and provide a test report, The report will be distributed to document the test results, track the verification completion and identify retesting GSRTT will interface with the spacecraft I&T and launch team to support spacecraft testing.

18 Test Requirements Verification Matrix (TRVM)

19 Test Resources Compatibility Testing Resources Simulators Observatory
Compatibility Test personnel will complete Compatibility Test Plans for SN, SDOGS and the USN. Compatibility Test Van (CTV) and external network compatibility equipment will be used for tests with the Spacecraft at Goddard and with the ground stations CTV equipment will be augmented with ground station spares and purchases Simulators FLATSAT simulator is used by the FOT for MOC and FOT testing Portable Spacecraft Simulator (PSS) used for T & C tests at GSFC, the stations and KSC Observatory I&T area resources (spacecraft, labs and instrument GSE) beginning 2005. Spacecraft GSRT test opportunities beginning mid-2006. Test data Instrument data will be gathered during I&T instrument tests Spacecraft and Observatory data will be captured during Spacecraft I&T Special WSC Test Resources S-Band Fly-over tests COL Tower capabilities for antenna test and calibration Aircraft flights to test KA-band antenna and dynamics Transponders Ka and S-band will be available

20 Compatibility Testing
The USN will bring generic station equipment to perform compatibility testing with the SDO spacecraft at GSFC S-band command and telemetry compatibility will be verified S-band data will be captured for further testing at the USN sites The GSFC Compatibility Test group will conduct S-band and Ka-band testing at GSFC for the SN and SDOGS Data and commands will be routed through the CTV and Bldg. 25 facilities The Compatibility Test group will also assist in station compat testing at the newly constructed SDOGS site at WSC

21 Portable Spacecraft Simulator
PSS Purpose While PSS is located at GSFC Bldg. 25 Provide data and command interface for MOC Acceptance Testing To initially test MOC to Station interface configurations To exercise MOC equipment and personnel At the SDOGS Location Provide a telemetry and command processing source for end-to-end station testing Provide simulated 64 kbps S-Band and 150 Mbps Ka-Band data flows Use the PSS data and MOC commands through the antenna test injection port to create a full end-to-end RF test configuration Use the 150 Mbps Ka-Band data for DDS testing with and without injected controlled data errors At the USN Sites To verify the critical USN launch support sites To provide a telemetry and command processing source for end-to end station testing To be used with a spacecraft transponder for end to end RF testing

22 Portable Spacecraft Simulator
PSS Test Locations and Configurations PSS Test Locations and Configurations SDOGS At WSC SDOGS At WSC R/T /PB 1-64kbps SDOGS data, CMD response R/T /PB 1-64kbps SDOGS data, CMD response R/T 150Mbps science data R/T 150Mbps science data 2 kbps SDOGS commands 2 kbps SDOGS commands GSFC Bldg. 25 Local GSFC Application GSFC Bldg. 25 Local GSFC Application MOC At GSFC MOC At GSFC R/T /PB kbps data, CMD response All station formats R/T /PB kbps data, CMD response All station formats 2 kbps command data For all stations 2 kbps command data For all stations USN SITES USN SITES R/T /PB 1-240kbps USN data R/T /PB 1-240kbps USN data 2 kbps USN commands 2 kbps USN commands

23 Portable Spacecraft Simulator
PSS Capabilities PSS uses the project database to configure PSS for TLM and CMD Supports TCP/IP, UDP/IP and multicast protocols Supports RS422/TTL Serial data transfer Conforms to NPG security Operates in Restricted and Closed IONet environments Supports event logging Supports 3 CADU Telemetry data streams of VCIDs Supports CRC, Reed Solomon, Randomization and convolution encoding Provides kbps data (VC0 H&S; VC1, VC3, VC4, VC5 = recorded H&S; VC11, VC13,VC14,VC15 retransmit of VC 1,3,4 & 5; VC63 = Fill frames) Provides Mbps data (EVE 7Mbps VC=3,6,19,22,35,38; HMI 55 Mbps VC=2,5,18,21,34,37; AIA=67Mbps VC1,4,17,20,33,36 Supports file playback Can be used with the antenna test inject system to provide RF data Receives 2kbps Commands Processes SDOGS, USN commands directly or forwards the commands through the RF system Supports COP-1 processing Logs command data Command recognition per the PDB

24 GSRT Test Activities GSRT #1 Telemetry and Command Test
GSRT # Science Data Test GSRT #3A RF Communications and Operations Test – TDRS Station S-Band GSRT #3B RF Communications and Operations Test – SDOGS S-Band GSRT #3C RF Communications and Operations Test – USN Stations S-Band GSRT #3D RF Communications and Operations Test – SDOGS Ka-Band GSRT #3E RF Communications and Operations Test – SDOGS, TDRS Ka-Band GSRT #4 Fully Integrated Ground System E-T-E Test GSRT # Launch Site Readiness Test

25 GSRT Test Architecture GSFC Spacecraft I&T Facility
TLM /CMD/TRK WSC R/T RF S-Band TLM & CMD SDOGS Antenna Sites at WSC TDRS SITE #2 CTV USN Sites WSC Col Tower SN H/K, TRK & CMD Data SITE #1 CMD, Ephemeris, and Planning To ANT 1 And ANT 2 H/K & TRK Data All KA Science Data H/K, TRK Data S-Band Hardline CMD & Ephemeris Data DDS Site #1 GSFC Spacecraft I&T Facility DSIM Status and Control DSIM MOC/SOC I&T Support GSFC Mission Operations Center (MOC) H/K & CMD Data EVE SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information Status, CMDS and Requests from SOCs CMD Data EVE SOC LASP AIA SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information CMD Data HK and CMD Data CMD Data Housekeeping Data to SOCs H/K And CMD AIA SOC LSMC Science HK & CMD HMI SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information HMI SOC LSMC SOC GSE MOC GSE KSC Launch Site

26 GSRT Test Information Sheet #1
GSRT #1 Telemetry and Command Test

27 GSRT Test Information Sheet #1 cont.

28 GSFC Spacecraft I&T Facility
GSRT Cumulative Status 1 TLM /CMD/TRK WSC R/T RF S-Band TLM & CMD SDOGS Antenna Sites at WSC TDRS SITE #2 CTV USN Sites WSC Col Tower SN H/K, TRK & CMD Data SITE #1 CMD, Ephemeris, and Planning To ANT 1 And ANT 2 H/K & TRK Data All KA Science Data H/K, TRK Data S-Band Hardline CMD & Ephemeris Data DDS Site #1 GSFC Spacecraft I&T Facility DSIM Status and Control DSIM MOC/SOC I&T Support GSFC Mission Operations Center (MOC) H/K & CMD Data EVE SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information Status, CMDS and Requests from SOCs CMD Data EVE SOC LASP AIA SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information CMD Data CMD Data HK and CMD Data Housekeeping Data to SOCs H/K And CMD AIA SOC LSMC Science GSRT Tests #1 HMI SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information HMI SOC LSMC SOC GSE HK & CMD MOC GSE KSC Launch Site

29 GSRT Test Information Sheet #2 GSRT #2 Science Data Test

30 GSRT Test Information Sheet #2 cont.

31 GSRT Cumulative Status 2 GSFC Spacecraft I&T Facility
TLM /CMD/TRK WSC R/T RF S-Band TLM & CMD SDOGS Antenna Sites at WSC TDRS SITE #2 CTV USN Sites WSC Col Tower SN H/K, TRK & CMD Data SITE #1 CMD, Ephemeris, and Planning To ANT 1 And ANT 2 H/K & TRK Data All KA Science Data H/K, TRK Data S-Band Hardline CMD & Ephemeris Data DDS Site #1 GSFC Spacecraft I&T Facility DSIM Status and Control DSIM MOC/SOC I&T Support GSFC Mission Operations Center (MOC) H/K & CMD Data EVE SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information Status, CMDS and Requests from SOCs CMD Data EVE SOC LASP AIA SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information CMD Data HK and CMD Data GSRT Tests CMD Data Housekeeping Data to SOCs H/K And CMD AIA SOC LSMC Science #1 #2 SOC GSE HK & CMD HMI SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information HMI SOC LSMC MOC GSE KSC Launch Site

32 GSRT Test Information Sheet #3A

33 GSRT Test Information Sheet #3A cont.

34 GSRT Cumulative Status 3a GSFC Spacecraft I&T Facility
TLM /CMD/TRK WSC R/T RF S-Band TLM & CMD SDOGS Antenna Sites at WSC TDRS SITE #2 CTV USN Sites WSC Col Tower SN H/K, TRK & CMD Data SITE #1 CMD, Ephemeris, and Planning To ANT 1 And ANT 2 H/K & TRK Data All KA Science Data H/K, TRK Data S-Band Hardline CMD & Ephemeris Data DDS Site #1 GSFC Spacecraft I&T Facility DSIM Status and Control DSIM MOC/SOC I&T Support GSFC Mission Operations Center (MOC) H/K & CMD Data EVE SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information Status, CMDS and Requests from SOCs CMD Data EVE SOC LASP AIA SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information CMD Data CMD Data HK and CMD Data GSRT Tests Housekeeping Data to SOCs H/K And CMD AIA SOC LSMC Science #1 #2 SOC GSE HK & CMD HMI SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information HMI SOC LSMC #3 MOC GSE KSC Launch Site

35 GSRT Test Information Sheet #3B
GSRT #3B RF Communications and Operations Test SDOGS S-Band RF Segment

36 GSRT Test Information Sheet #3B cont.

37 GSRT Cumulative Status 3b GSFC Spacecraft I&T Facility
TLM /CMD/TRK WSC R/T RF S-Band TLM & CMD SDOGS Antenna Sites at WSC TDRS SITE #2 CTV USN Sites WSC Col Tower SN H/K, TRK & CMD Data SITE #1 CMD, Ephemeris, and Planning To ANT 1 And ANT 2 H/K & TRK Data All KA Science Data H/K, TRK Data S-Band Hardline CMD & Ephemeris Data DDS Site #1 GSFC Spacecraft I&T Facility DSIM Status and Control DSIM MOC/SOC I&T Support GSFC Mission Operations Center (MOC) H/K & CMD Data EVE SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information Status, CMDS and Requests from SOCs CMD Data EVE SOC LASP AIA SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information CMD Data CMD Data HK and CMD Data GSRT Tests Housekeeping Data to SOCs H/K And CMD AIA SOC LSMC Science #1 #2 SOC GSE HK & CMD HMI SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information HMI SOC LSMC #3 MOC GSE KSC Launch Site

38 GSRT Test Information Sheet #3C
GSRT #3C RF Communications and Station Operations Test USN Stations S-Band RF Segment Tests

39 GSRT Test Information Sheet #3C cont.

40 GSFC Spacecraft I&T Facility
GSRT Testing Status TLM /CMD/TRK WSC R/T RF S-Band TLM & CMD SDOGS Antenna Sites at WSC TDRS SITE #2 CTV USN Sites WSC Col Tower SN H/K, TRK & CMD Data SITE #1 CMD, Ephemeris, and Planning To ANT 1 And ANT 2 H/K & TRK Data All KA Science Data H/K, TRK Data S-Band Hardline CMD & Ephemeris Data DDS Site #1 GSFC Spacecraft I&T Facility DSIM Status and Control DSIM MOC/SOC I&T Support GSFC Mission Operations Center (MOC) H/K & CMD Data EVE SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information Status, CMDS and Requests from SOCs CMD Data EVE SOC LASP AIA SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information CMD Data CMD Data HK and CMD Data GSRT Tests Housekeeping Data to SOCs H/K And CMD AIA SOC LSMC Science #1 #2 SOC GSE HK & CMD HMI SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information HMI SOC LSMC #3 MOC GSE KSC Launch Site

41 GSRT Test Information Sheet #3D
GSRT #3D RF Communications and Station Operations Test SDOGS Ka-Band RF Segment Test

42 GSRT Test Information Sheet #3D cont.

43 GSFC Spacecraft I&T Facility
GSRT Testing Status TLM /CMD/TRK WSC R/T RF S-Band TLM & CMD SDOGS Antenna Sites at WSC TDRS SITE #2 CTV USN Sites WSC Col Tower SN H/K, TRK & CMD Data SITE #1 CMD, Ephemeris, and Planning To ANT 1 And ANT 2 H/K & TRK Data All KA Science Data H/K, TRK Data S-Band Hardline CMD & Ephemeris Data DDS Site #1 GSFC Spacecraft I&T Facility DSIM Status and Control DSIM MOC/SOC I&T Support GSFC Mission Operations Center (MOC) H/K & CMD Data EVE SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information Status, CMDS and Requests from SOCs CMD Data EVE SOC LASP AIA SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information CMD Data CMD Data HK and CMD Data GSRT Tests Housekeeping Data to SOCs H/K And CMD AIA SOC LSMC Science #1 #2 SOC GSE HK & CMD HMI SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information HMI SOC LSMC #3 MOC GSE KSC Launch Site

44 GSRT Test Information Sheet #3E
GSRT #3E RF Communications and Station Operations Test RFSOC, TDRS, SDOGS Ka-Band Segment

45 GSRT Test Information Sheet #3E cont.

46 GSRT Test Information Sheet #4
GSRT #4 Fully Integrated Ground System E-T-E Test

47 GSRT Test Information Sheet #4 cont.

48 GSFC Spacecraft I&T Facility
GSRT Testing Status WSC R/T RF S-Band TLM & CMD TLM /CMD/TRK SDOGS Antenna Sites at WSC TDRS SITE #2 CTV USN Sites WSC Col Tower SN H/K, TRK & CMD Data H/K, TRK Data SITE #1 CMD, Ephemeris, and Planning To ANT 1 And ANT 2 H/K & TRK Data All KA Science Data S-Band CMD & Ephemeris Data DDS Site #1 GSFC Spacecraft I&T Facility DSIM Status and Control DSIM MOC/SOC I&T Support GSFC Mission Operations Center (MOC) EVE SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information Status, CMDS and Requests from SOCs H/K & CMD Data CMD Data EVE SOC LASP AIA SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information HK and CMD Data CMD Data CMD Data H&S Data to SOCs H/K And CMD AIA SOC LSMC Science GSRT Tests #1 HK & CMD #2 HMI SOC LSMC SOC GSE MOC GSE HMI SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information #3 KSC Launch Site #4

49 GSRT Test Information Sheet #5
GSRT #5 Launch Site Readiness Test

50 GSRT Test Information Sheet #5 cont.

51 Completed GSRT Testing GSFC Spacecraft I&T Facility
WSC R/T RF S-Band TLM & CMD TLM /CMD/TRK SDOGS Antenna Sites at WSC TDRS SITE #2 CTV USN Sites WSC Col Tower SN H/K, TRK & CMD Data H/K, TRK Data SITE #1 CMD, Ephemeris, and Planning To ANT 1 And ANT 2 H/K & TRK Data All KA Science Data S-Band CMD & Ephemeris Data DDS Site #1 GSFC Spacecraft I&T Facility DSIM Status and Control DSIM MOC/SOC I&T Support GSFC Mission Operations Center (MOC) EVE SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information Status, CMDS and Requests from SOCs H/K & CMD Data CMD Data EVE SOC LASP AIA SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information HK and CMD Data CMD Data CMD Data H&S Data to SOCs H/K And CMD AIA SOC LSMC Science GSRT Tests #1 HK & CMD #2 HMI SOC LSMC SOC GSE MOC GSE HMI SOC H/K Data FDS& Planning Information #3 KSC Launch Site #4 #5

52 Test Discrepancy Reporting
A Test Discrepancy Report (TDR) is generated when the ground system fails to meet a functional test requirement. Each TDR is assigned to an actionee element(s) for investigation and resolution Each TDR is entered into the Comprehensive Discrepancy System(CDS) which automatically notifies the relevant parties Test discrepancies are prioritized (Critical, Urgent, Routine), tracked, reported, resolved and retested The ground system TDR status relating requirements to discrepancies is presented monthly and at all reviews

53 Requirements/TDR Summary
SUMMARY AS OF 02/15/05 (T) Total Requirements (X) Verified (N) Not Verified (D) Deleted (%) Percent Completed % SDO MOC-T&C MOC-FDS SDO Mission Operations Center EVE SOC Acquisition Data Observatory Commands Observatory HK Telemetry Tracking Data MOC-ITPS MOC-MPS HMI Science Data (55Mbps) Ka-Band: 150 Mbps Science Data Instrument Commands/Loads DDS Ka Science Data AIA R/T HK Telemetry/ Science Planning and FDS Products EVE R/T HK Telemetry Science Planning and FDS Products USN S-Band HK Tlm CMD, Acquisition Data Station/DDS Control Station/DDS Status SDOGS WSGT S-Band: TRK, Cmd & HK Tlm S-Band: TRK, Cmd & HK Tlm MOC-ANS FSML Flight software loads Simulated housekeeping telemetry S/C Memory dumps Simulated commands Same Interfaces as WSGT Ground Station Status and Control AIA SOC SDOGS STGT FDF OD Products SN Tracking Data CMD AIA Science Data (67Mbps) EVE Science Data (7Mbps) Status and Control Data Ack. & Retrans. Requests HMI R/T HK Telemetry/ Science Planning and FDS Products WSC DSIM GSFC HMI SOC T - 000 X - 000 N- 000 D - 000 % - 100%

54 GSRT Schedule Subsystem & Element CY 2003 CY 2004 CY 2005 CY 2006
Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 MISSION MILESTONES 4/03 9/03 3/04 6/04 4/05 1/06 1/07 1/08 4/08 SRR/ SCR ICR PDR CR CDR S/C I&T Start PER PSR LAUNCH Ground System Reviews 9/03 4/04 5/05 01/06 1/07 1/08 SRR PDR CDR TRR MOR FORR Ground System Testing Mission Operations Center R1 R2 R3 Cleanup 12/05 06/06 12/06 10/07 Flight Dynamics System R1 R2 6/06 01/07 03/07 ANT Cert Data Distribution System BB OPS R1 OPS R2 OPS R3 DDS Ready 06/04 07/05 01/06 10/06 01/07 AT I&T SDO Ground System Antennas ANT Cert 08/06 01/07 03/07 Science Operations Centers SOCs SOCs TLM/CMD Science 08/06 02/07 Draft GSRT Plan Final GSRT Plan TRR 01/08 I/F Ground System Readiness Tests GSRT G/S Freeze TLM T/C CTV SCI RF ETE L/S Regression Testing FOT Simulations 04/07 04/08 Spacecraft/Observatory And Ground Test Opportunities Launch 04/08

55 CURRENT STATUS GSRT Plan draft in review
Working with Test Resource Groups GSRT Portable Spacecraft Simulator (PSS) Compatibility Test Aircraft Test (antenna testing) Transponders & ETU’s WSC Collimation Tower Waiting for CDR results to update and enhance test documentation

56 Issues and Concerns No concerns Issues being worked –
Is planned end-to-end testing sufficient? Are all planned RF link tests necessary?

57 Abbreviations and Acronyms

58 Abbreviations and Acronyms cont.

59 Abbreviations and Acronyms cont.

60 GSRT CDPR Backup Slides

61 TDR Process Flow (backup)
Test Discrepancy Report (TDR) Responsibilities User SDO TDR Account Holder Originator Initiates TDR GSRTM (MRM) Approves TDR, Sets Priority, Assigns Element Actionee Resolves TDR Verifies Fix and Approves Closure of TDR

62 IDR Process Flow (backup)
Internal Discrepancy Report (IDR) Responsibilities User SDO IDR Account Holder Originator Initiates IDR Element Lead (ATR) Approves IDR and Sets Priority Actionee Resolves IDR Tester Verifies IDR Fix Approves Closure of IDR

63 E-T-E S-Band and Ka-Band Eavesdrop
Test Configuration

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