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@jerry_yasir. 2007 SharePoint IIS Code runs from GAC on same w3wp.exe as SharePoint web application 2010 SharePoint IIS Sand box Code runs on SPUCWorkerProcess.exe.

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Presentation on theme: "@jerry_yasir. 2007 SharePoint IIS Code runs from GAC on same w3wp.exe as SharePoint web application 2010 SharePoint IIS Sand box Code runs on SPUCWorkerProcess.exe."— Presentation transcript:

1 @jerry_yasir


3 2007 SharePoint IIS Code runs from GAC on same w3wp.exe as SharePoint web application 2010 SharePoint IIS Sand box Code runs on SPUCWorkerProcess.exe or calls client.svc (CSOM) 2013 SharePoint IIS with _api App Code runs outside of SharePoint but has trust to leverage capabilities exposed in _api


5 Familiar Toolsets Embracing Web standards to provide developers choice and flexibility


7 SharePoint-Hosted App Provision an isolated sub web on a parent web (separate domain) Reuse web elements (lists, files, out-of-box web parts) No server code allowed; use client JavaScript for logic, UX Provider-Hosted App Bring your own server hosting infrastructure and technology platform Get remote events from SharePoint Use CSOM/REST + OAuth to work with SP Cloud-based Apps Your Hosted Site Autohosted App Windows Azure + SQL Azure provisioned invisibly as apps are installed Azure SharePoint Host Web App Web* (separate SharePoint domain) SharePoint Host Web App Web* (separate SharePoint domain) SharePoint Host Web App Web (separate SharePoint domain)








15 A SharePoint Hosted App

16 App Developer Tenant Admin Site Owner App Catalog SharePoint Store (Office Marketplace) Tenant A Tenant

17 An Auto-Hosted App


19 A Basic Provider Hosted App

20 SharePoint 2013 App Catalog



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