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Welcome to the Service Leadership Program!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Service Leadership Program!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Service Leadership Program!
Agenda Welcome (Regan) Prayer (Keith or Regan) Power point presentation Sharing: Doug Green, VCCF, worked with numerous teams Q&A – large group questions Meet at tables with faculty

2 History of our program Began 8 years ago as a response to our mission to “prepare students for lives of purpose, service and leadership”. We started with 1 client and 7 students. We currently serve 100 students and 25 clients per semester. Provide a bit of background

3 Purpose of the course Opportunity to apply business skills
Broaden students’ understanding and appreciation of their community. Encourage collaborate teamwork Develop leadership skills This is a CAPSTONE course – so it is meant to be the crowning course for these students’ undergraduate career. We want them to be able to apply what they have learned through their studies to their project with you.

4 Course format Service-learning pedagogy
“Service-learning is a credit-bearing educational experience in which students participate in an organized service activity that meets identified community needs and reflect on the service activity in such a way to gain further understanding of the course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility.” READ DEFINITION Organized service activity – that is the consulting project – actual business challenge the team will address Identified community need – it is our hope that you have given us a sincere business challenge that you truly need assistance with and are willing to implement. Course content – remember, they are developing leadership skills – such as listening, problem-solving skills, written and oral communication skills, appreciating diversity, learning how to be appropriately assertive, interpersonal effectiveness, and professionalism. Sense of civic responsibility – we hope they gain a greater appreciation and understanding of the role you and your organization play in the community. Let them see this side of you!

5 Course format continued…
The consulting work with you is only HALF of the students’ work Extensive readings – facilitation groups Reflection paper Journal Numerous other activities Read slide Be realistic in your expectations. Don’t expect too little – they should be able to put for hours as a team per week for several weeks. But also don’t expect too much – they are not only doing a lot for this course, but most of our students carry a full load of classes, work and may have an internship.

6 Implications for you? Enter along side with us in the learning process
Syllabus states “all parties to the arrangement are seen as learners and teachers as well as servers and served.” Research on student response to service-learning found that the most important factor is the placement quality. Go over slide What is meant be “placement quality”?

7 Factors for success Articulate clearly your business problem/challenge. Provide background and ramifications of business challenge. Help the consulting team to gain their own understanding of the business challenge. Be willing to implement their strategy if appropriate. Give some history. What has happened in the past? What resources are available? Why is this important? Who within the organization will be impacted by this business problem? The students must know that this work you are having them do is meaningful. Example: client said, “oh, I was just doing Regan a favor … so I guess you can work on this” – destroyed their motivation and credibility.

8 Factors for success cont…
Provide a knowledgeable and accessible contact person. Able to articulate clear expectations with the team regarding communication, professionalism, the project, etc. Knowledgeable about the project. Accessible via and phone to meet with the team. Willing! Desires a relationship with the students.

9 Factors for success cont…
Engage in the learning process with the students and faculty Keep in mind the learning objectives of the class (in course syllabus) Give the students timely feedback and constructive criticism on their work. Hold them to the same standards you would a consultant. Be open to learning from them. Remember, they are students!

10 Factors for success cont…
Work in partnership with the faculty member Communicate (especially any problems) Provide feedback and student evaluations when requested. Ask questions and share ideas!

11 Factors for success… Have fun! Enjoy the consulting relationship
This is a great opportunity to gain new perspectives, recruit future donors and board members, obtain valuable assistance and mentor students. Let the students get to know YOU.

12 Expectations Students are a consulting team (not interns or volunteers) Orientation meeting Opportunity to meet YOUR clientele or attend an event or board meeting Interim report meeting and report Final presentation to your staff and board (if possible).

13 Win/Win “Every so often we stumble upon an experience that gives new meaning to our personal life. This was the case during the course of this semester. UCP is an organization that is all about bettering the lives of disabled persons. I am the type who cares and loves to help others out in any way I can. This started out as another class assignment, but turned into something much greater. I definitely want to continue my involvement with UCP.” - Service Leadership student Read We see this as a win/win Doug Green Q & A Meet with faculty














27 The Parable of the Sadhu
Explores the relationship between the individual and the organization Explores the idea of the rights of individuals to disrupt normal operations for individual needs Explores the limits of individual and organizational risk-taking on behalf of one person or one issue Identifies conditions under which ethical decision-making sputters or disconnects

28 The individual & the organization
Asserts interdependence Is this true? What are the limits? Stress as a moderator on effective and ethical decision-making: mimics real life? Parallel: Immediate response needed Resignation/opting out not an option Needed action and implementation Answers based on available (and incomplete) information

29 The messy individual “What right does an almost naked pilgrim who chooses the wrong trail have to disrupt our lives?” Who has ultimate responsibility for those who cannot function within our rules & limits? Individual “valuations”: what if a well-dressed Western woman?

30 Limits to risk-taking Disconnect between individual and group ethic
Each does a little bit, but, who takes ultimate responsibility? Willing, if not too inconvenient Cultural bias: how does locus of control impact our actions?

31 Necessary conditions for acting ethically?
A process to develop consensus A purpose or plan Manageable complexity Pre-conditions or understandings to assist in shared meanings Cross-cultural understanding Leadership, AND willing followership

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