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Auto Workshop Systems By Accstream Auto Workshop ® Tracking Sales & Services. Provide better service to Customers. Tracking vehicle historical maintenance.

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Presentation on theme: "Auto Workshop Systems By Accstream Auto Workshop ® Tracking Sales & Services. Provide better service to Customers. Tracking vehicle historical maintenance."— Presentation transcript:


2 Auto Workshop Systems By Accstream

3 Auto Workshop ® Tracking Sales & Services. Provide better service to Customers. Tracking vehicle historical maintenance. Produce reminder for service due, alert by email or SMS. Interface to Biztrak Business Software (GL, AR, AP) Features Highlight

4 Auto Workshop ® Hardware (Minimum) –5GB of hard disk space available –64mb of memory –800x640 screen resolution Software –Microsoft Window 95 and above System Requirements

5 Auto Workshop ® Visual Studio Development Free MSDE (MSSQL Desktop Edition)!!! –limitation are... Max. of 2Gb database size and up to 5 users only. –But more robust and with faster database access. –Easily upgradeable to Pay version of MSSQL Server without changing of codes. Technology used

6 Auto Workshop ® BW Auto Service and WS Auto Concept Existing Clients

7 Auto Workshop ® Distribution –Purchase Orders –Sales Orders –Inventory Control –Vehicle Management sub Systems –Mini CRM Auto Workshop Biztrak Accounting – –Systems Manager – –General Ledger – –Account Receivable – –Account Payables – –Cash Management – –Fixed Assets & – –Multi-Currency Systems/Modules Segregation Ebridge

8 Auto Workshop ® Logging in to Auto Workshop systems and selecting Company

9 Auto Workshop ® Main Menu of Auto Workshop

10 Auto Workshop ® Menu screen shots

11 Auto Workshop ® Distribution Reports – Purchasing Module & Sales Module

12 Auto Workshop ® Distribution Reports – Stock Module

13 Auto Workshop ® Setup –Warehouse –Item Category –Item Information –Service Item –Item Opening Balance

14 Auto Workshop ® Setup continue… Item Information

15 Auto Workshop ® Setup continue… Service Item

16 Auto Workshop ® Vehicle Master Maintenance

17 Auto Workshop ® Point Of Sales Entry Screen Item selection by category. E.g. User click on icon Brake. Any subsequence selection on item will filter by category code. This Button is provided to select code without Filtering by Category code.

18 Auto Workshop ® Click button will Show lookup UOM

19 Auto Workshop ® Stock Code Search/Lookup Type in description to search, then Press or click this button Lookup screen display, then select code.

20 Auto Workshop ® Entry screen with 2 line details

21 Auto Workshop ® Service Items on another TAB

22 Auto Workshop ® Payment Screen Click this button to display lookup screen

23 Auto Workshop ®

24 Cash Sales Printout

25 Auto Workshop ® Purchase Order Sample printout

26 Auto Workshop ® Sales Invoice sample printout

27 Auto Workshop ® Stock Balance Enquiry - Physical

28 Auto Workshop ® Vehicle historical service Inquiry Click to drilldown to POS entry

29 Auto Workshop ® Transaction Listing Most of the transaction screens have a listing report located here Click Print

30 Auto Workshop ® Purchase Order Listing sample output

31 Auto Workshop ® Data Flow – Auto Workshop Systems Interfacing to Biztrak Accounting Interface Program Pos trans Ar trans Item trans CSV file Ebridge Biztrak DB Workshop Systems Ebridge Run in background Run anytime, preferably at the end of the day. Ebridge DB Biztrak Accounting

32 Auto Workshop ® Interface to Biztrak Accounting - Running E-bridge in background. Running in progress

33 Auto Workshop ® Interface to Biztrak Accounting – Select Transaction to post to Biztrak Accounting Select Transaction Then Click Post

34 Auto Workshop ® Once file found in folder Ebridge will post automatically.

35 Auto Workshop ® Posted transactions will not be selected.

36 Auto Workshop ® Supplier Invoice in Workshop

37 Auto Workshop ® Vendor Invoice Imported from Auto Workshop using E-bridge In Biztrak Accounting

38 Auto Workshop ® POS Transaction in Auto Workshop imported to Biztrak as Cash Sales Transaction.

39 Auto Workshop ® Based on free MSDE Edition –First User RM2,500 –Addition user to add RM500.00 up to addition 4 users (Total of 5 maximum users). Pricing (Excluding Biztrak Business Software)

40 Auto Workshop ® Based on MSSQL Server – –First User RM2,500.00 – –Addition user to add RM500.00 up to 5 users. The 6 th user onward to add RM1,000.00 Pricing continue… (Excluding Biztrak Business Software) (Excluding MSSQL Server)

41 Auto Workshop ® No. of Concurrent UserPrice (RM) 12,500 23,000 33,500 44,000 54,500 65,500 76,500 87,500 98,500 109,500 Additional user beyond 10 add RM1,000.00 Summary – pricing by users Free MSDE Database

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