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CAMP: Cluster Account Management Program

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1 CAMP: Cluster Account Management Program
Primarily an accounting system for user information. Information repository (postGresQL). Uses Network Information System (NIS) to implement/enforce the information in the database. Its a command line utility.

2 Camp and NIS/netgroups
Python was used as a glue language to connect the database and NIS. Camp uses netgroups to manage users across hosts. (normally cluster headnodes) Netgroups allows a logical grouping of users into projects. Netgroups also allow CAMP to modify user permissions on the central NIS server, ypbind.

3 C2G: What is it? A glue for connecting commandline programs.
A fairly simple display system, with an API that allows for other programs to use it. An API for other programs to communicate with cluster systems in a secure fashion.

4 C2G Goals: Make it a modular system, so that many different programs can use it for a display system. Make it run remotely, so that users do not have to be on the actual cluster. Provide a mechanism so that utility writers that use C2G can independently display their results.

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