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Inherited, Learned and Acquired Traits and Behaviors

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Presentation on theme: "Inherited, Learned and Acquired Traits and Behaviors"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inherited, Learned and Acquired Traits and Behaviors

2 Inherited Traits Characteristics passed from parent to offspring
Big, small Fur, no fur Eye color Etc.

3 Instinct (a type of Inherited Trait)
Behaviors passed from parent to offspring; something you are born knowing to do; no one taught them to you. Breathing Running away from a giant cougar that just walked into the classroom Being scared of animals that growl Being afraid of the dark (you are just trying to protect yourself, after all) A cockroach running when the lights are turned on. A butterfly trying to get nectar from a flower (it’s parents did not raise it!!)

4 Learned Behaviors Any behavior learned from parents or from own experiences. Using a potty instead of the floor How to turn on the projector in the classroom How to use a doggy door Scratching on the door to get your owner to let you out of the house (if there isn’t a doggy door)

5 Acquired Traits characteristics that organisms don’t inherit or learn. They are traits they get because something happened to them. Tattoos Body piercings Broken bones Scars Cuts Removed limbs during from a war wound Hair cuts

6 Inherited, Learned, or neither?
The colors of the coral Inherited

7 Inherited, Learned, or neither?
The horse runs in races, pulling carriages Learned

8 Inherited, Learned, or neither?
Incredibly large muscles Neither: Acquired (they had to build their muscles after birth)

9 Inherited, Learned, or neither?
Dolphins jump on command Learned

10 Inherited, Learned, or neither?
Captain Hook’s hook/missing hand Neither: Acquired

11 Inherited, Learned, or neither? AND find an acquired trait.
Her eye color Inherited

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