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CW Paper One Question 4 Saturday, 17 November 2018

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1 CW Paper One Question 4 Saturday, 17 November 2018
Learning Outcomes To be able to critically evaluate a text

2 Question 4 – a statement to explore - points to remember
There will be a statement that somebody has said about some lines in the text – you have to say whether you agree with this and why DO NOT disagree with it You CAN completely agree with the statement You need to discuss how the author has created this impression by discussing: Language Structure Techniques Include plenty of quotations

3 Question 4 – Key Points to Remember
DO use PEE chains here Make sure you are quoting from the text and analysing Use the bullet points you are given to help structure your answer

4 Highlight/underline the key focus of the question…
Question 4 practice Focus this part of your answer on the whole source: Lots of students have written reviews about this novel. One student wrote, “I like the way the writer shows how scared Kingshaw is; she makes the bird seem very frightening and he seems lonely and afraid.” To what extent do you agree? In your response you could: Write about your own impression of Kingshaw and the birds Evaluate how the writer has created these impressions Support your opinions with quotations from the text. [20 marks] Highlight/underline the key focus of the question… 20 marks

5 Now Write Your Opening Opening Paragraph… Start by stating your opinion in response to the statement. REMEMBER – it is always best to agree with the statement. Acknowledge the key focus of the statement by mentioning it. I agree that the writer has succeeded in showing how scared the boy is. She achieves this by making the bird seem really frightening and by showing that the boy is alone and afraid. This is a satisfactory opening as it makes your view clear and shows what two things you will try to prove in your answer. I agree that the writer has succeeded in presenting real fear in her presentation of the boy. She achieves this by presenting the bird as menacing and powerful and by emphasising how vulnerable the boy is. This is a better answer because it does not simply repeat the words from the statement but it acknowledges the key focuses in a different way.

6 Methods This question is asking you to present your point of view while identifying and analysing the methods the writer has used to make you come to this point of view. Methods might include: Vocabulary choices (adjectives, adverbs verbs etc.) Use of imagery/figurative language (similes, metaphors, personification) Other language features (repetition, alliteration, juxtaposition etc.) Sentence length, type and structure Punctuation Narrative voice (first/third person etc.) Use of contrast or parallel

7 Annotate the text looking for evidence of the following…
The bird is presented as frightening…. “rose up suddenly, circled overhead, and then dived” “flapping about his head, beating its wings” “the largest crow he had ever seen” “Screech”/”hoarse caaw” “The inside of its mouth was scarlet”, “small glinting eyes” “beating down, and wheeled about his head” The boy is presented as lonely and afraid… “he felt his own extreme isolation” “Kingshaw began to run, not caring, now, if he trampled the corn, wanting to get away, down into the next field.” “Perhaps………he thought” “dropped on to the grass” “Sweat was running down his forehead” “The crow kept on coming. He ran”

8 The bird is presented as frightening…. Method Used Impact
“rose up suddenly, circled overhead, and then dived” Active verbs Reinforce its power and athleticism “flapping about his head, beating its wings” Active verbs – in proximity to the boy Creates tension – seems menacing “the largest crow he had ever seen” Use of superlative Highlights how intimidating it is “Screech”/”hoarse caaw” Use of sensory language Appeals to reader’s sense of sound – bringing the bird to life “The inside of its mouth was scarlet”, The colour adjective is repeated May remind the reader of blood and danger “small glinting eyes” Pair of adjectives Seem threatening and evil “beating down, and wheeled about his head” Violent verb “beating” Suggests a threat

9 The boy is presented as lonely and afraid…
Method Used Impact “he felt his own extreme isolation” Adjective “extreme” Emphasises the danger od being alone “Kingshaw began to run, not caring, now, if he trampled the corn, wanting to get away, down into the next field.” Complex sentence with several commas Reflects his panic and the speed with which he tries to escape “Perhaps………he thought” The writer provides us with the boy’s inner thoughts We are able to more directly appreciate his panic “dropped on to the grass” Verb “dropped” Suggests his exhaustion “Sweat was running down his forehead” Physical description Highlights how difficult it is to escape the bird – builds tension “The crow kept on coming. He ran” Short, simple sentences Creates suspense – the writer has provide no resolution yet

10 Your Answer Don’t worry, you are not expected to be able to cover ALL of these points. You should try to cover as many as you can. It is important that you identify the methods used by the writer. Try to pick a range. If it will help you to remember to include the method, then you could make this the POINT in your PEE Chain. E.g. The writer uses sensory language to describe the birds, for example, “Screech” and ”hoarse caaw”; here she appeals to our sense of sound, bringing the bird and its threatening noise to life. The writer uses a superlative when describing the bird as “the largest crow he had ever seen”. This helps to emphasise how intimidating the bird is.

11 Alternatively, mention the method within your analysis: E. g
Alternatively, mention the method within your analysis: E.g. The bird is presented as being rather threatening; we are told that it “rose up suddenly, circled overhead, and then dived”. The use of active verbs accentuates its power and suggests to the reader the unpredictable and random nature of its flight.

12 Practice Question Re-read the extract for “Jamaica Inn” – you may remember it from last year! Have a go at question 4.

13 Focus this part of your answer on the second half of the source, from line 18 to the end. A student, having read this section of the text said: “The writer brings the very different characters to life for the reader. It is as if you are inside the coach with them.” To what extent do you agree? In your response, you could: • write about your own impressions of the characters • evaluate how the writer has created these impressions • support your opinions with quotations from the text.

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