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A presentation to the Highlands & Islands Construction Safety Forum

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1 A presentation to the Highlands & Islands Construction Safety Forum
.. CDM REGS 2015 A presentation to the Highlands & Islands Construction Safety Forum On Monday 4th December 2017 By Alistair Norrie Longman Drive of cdmm(UK)Limited Inverness IV1 1SU

2 .. PRACTICE PARTICULARS Cdmm provide professional services the Construction Industry as Consultants, Engineers and Inspectors. We have built our reputation on the high standard of quality and delivery of our services, customer satisfaction and repeat business. With our Head Office in Inverness in the Highlands of Scotland, and Branch Office in the South East of England, we deliver our Service over a wide geographical area. Our Client list spans a range of organisations in both the Public and Private Sectors throughout Scotland, London and the South East. CDM advisers Health & Safety Consultants Multi-disciplined Clerk of Works Low Carbon Consultants Building Services Consultants CDM Advice Health & Safety Advice Alistair Norrie Graeme Clark cdmm(UK)Limited Longman Drive, Inverness IV1 1SU Registered in Scotland No. SC Tel: (01463) Fax: (01463)

3 2016 Statistics

4 2016 Statistics

5 Construction stats

6 Construction stats


8 Health and Safety – Main Hazards
Exposure to Asbestos Falls from height Hand-Arm and whole body vibration Silica dust/Construction dust

9 CDM Regs – Pre 2015 (Applied only to non-domestic projects)
Client CDM Co-ordinator Designers Principal Contractors Contractors Operatives

10 Why didn’t they work? Client CDM Co-ordinator Designers Principal Contractor Contractors Operatives

11 CDM 2015 Regs (including Domestic)
Client Principal Designer (with CDM Adviser as a Sub- Consultant) Principal Contractor Contractors Operatives

12 Small Sites The Balance of where serious and fatal injuries occur has shifted dramatically in the past years. Two thirds or more fatalities now occur on small sites – sites where fewer than 15 people work – which is the reverse of the historical picture

13 What are the CDM Regs? Construction Design and Management Regulations
Bit of a misnomer Health and Safety planning – would be more appropriate They impose certain roles/duties on parties involved in Construction They are legally enforceable Applies to ALL Construction projects

14 Where do CDM Regs come from/what do they require?
E U Directive Notification to HSE of a construction project (if project more than 500 person days) 500 person days (5 workers x 5 days per week x 20 weeks = 500 person days) weeks = 4 months Pre-construction Information (PCI) Construction Phase Plan (CPP) Health and Safety File

15 How is it likely to affect you?
New Regs put client firmly at the heart of the process (get out for Domestic Clients) Places a duty upon Client to advise Contractor of hazards (E.g. Asbestos) Asbestos fully banned by 2000 Asbestos can be in Artex ceilings up until 1984 Buildings after 1990 unlikely to contain Asbestos

16 What you need to do (Domestic Projects)
Projects involving one Contractor Ensure the Contractor is aware of their duties under the Regs And also your duties as Client

17 Projects involving more than one Contractor
Must appoint a Principal Designer Who has control over the Pre-construction Phase Must appoint a Principal Contractor Who has control over the post Construction Phase If No Written agreement with Principal Designer – the Principal Contractor is automatically responsible for the Principal Designer Duties

18 Client duties/duties on ALL projects/Principal Contractor or Principal Designer
See leaflet CDM 2015: What Domestic Clients need to do.

19 Who can be a Principal Designer
Must have SKE As a Designer And also have Health and Safety and CDM Regs knowledge Unlikely a Designer will have both Designer needs a CDM-A to satisfy SKE

20 What should the effect of the Regs be?
Reduced lost days due to ill Health /Accidents Reduction in fatalities – more men returning home from work

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