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Photo: Shutterstock ABOUT YOUR SEMINAR PRESENTATION BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

2 BIOTOUR in brief April 2016 – March 2020
Supported by the Norwegian Research Council with 34 mNOK 22 researchers from five Norwegian and four foreign universities and institutes Five industry partners Five integrated work packages (WP) and four case study themes Communication and dissemination Supported by: BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

3 Background Nature-based tourism (NBT) is an increasingly important sector of the Norwegian bio-economy, and the potential for further growth is high Tourism in the outdoors is undergoing significant changes in terms of diversification, globalization, new technology etc. These changes call for better knowledge of resource use, demand structures, product configurations and entrepreneurship The overall hypothesis is that an integrated perspective of the Norwegian nature-based tourism sector (including resource, market and management analyses) will provide a basis for business innovation, community development and sustainable use of natural resources. BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

4 Primary objective Research and disseminate key conditions for future development of nature-based tourism in the Norwegian bio-economy that contribute to business innovation, community resilience and sustainable use of resources . Photo: Jan Heggem BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

5 BIOTOUR WP1: Nature-based tourism in the Norwegian bio-economy
a) NBT and sector analyses b) Social change and trends c) The NBT servicescape d) Community resilience WP2: Resource and product analyses a) Modelling of risk-of-resource depletion b) Landscape resource analysis WP4: Tourism actors and management a) Motivations and profitability b) Growth potentials c) Management and interaction WP5: Innovative tourism solutions a) Packaged products b) Market communication through ICT solutions c) Knowledge driven entrepreneurships WP6: Outreach and communication WP3: Market analyses a) Integrated products b) Segments WP7: Project administion Case A: The composite adventure experience Case B: The genuine wildlife experience Case C: The pathfinder experience Case D: The event experience Case study themes BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

6 WP1 Nature-based tourism in the Norwegian bio-economy
Elaborate tourism’s contribution to the Norwegian bio-economy, understood as sustainable transformation of renewable biological resources into industrial products, Tourism is a double-edged industry. The research will critically assess its dynamics in the wider environmental, social and economic policies: analysis of NTB supply structure, analysis of social change and trends, analysis of the NBT servicescape, community resilience. Photo: Liv Bjergene BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

7 WP2 Resource and product analyses
To better understand the prerequisites and dynamics of the resource base for NBT. The analysis will focus on challenges and opportunities in three resource types pertinent to tourism in the bio-economy; bio resources—natural (i.e. wildlife) and processed resources (local food etc.) cultural resources (landscapes, installations, knowledge) tourism infrastructure Forskningen består av to deler: 2a) Konseptuell og statistisk modellering av dynamikken i økologiske ressurser i et reiselivsperspektiv 2b) Landskapsressursanalyse (LRA) for å analysere bærekraftig ressursbruk og utvikling av NBR på lokalt og regional nivå Photo: C.H/ BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

8 WP 2 has two subtasks; 2a will conceptually and statistically model the dynamics of essential ecological resources in a tourism perspective. 2b will apply a landscape resource analysis (LRA) as a way to implement enhanced and more sustainable resource use and development of NBT on the local and regional level. Photo: Shutterstock BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

9 WP3 Market analyses The objective is to explore and understand the current and potential demand for NBT products in a Norwegian context. Market segmentation analysis will describe main consumer segments, their preferences and willingness-to-pay. This will be combined with socio- economic / demographic characteristics and nature / environmental values / attitudes (psychographics). Photo: Stian Stensland BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

10 current knowledge on demand for nature-based experiences in Norway will be surveyed,
new business data from companies selling NBT products is used to quantify demand, new surveys will be administered with a focus on the four case experiences (A-D), and market segmentations will be applied to identify main segments, their relative preference for experiences and NBT product attributes. BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

11 WP4 Tourism actors and management
The objectives of WP4 is to provide new, empirically based knowledge on three topics; motivations and profitability among firms in the NBT sector, premises, opportunities and challenges for development and place-based growth, and the basis for successful management through cooperation and interaction between authorities, tourism providers and the local community. Photo: CH/ BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

12 WP 5 Innovative tourism solutions
This WP contains three integrated parts based on the hypothesis that value creation in the Norwegian NBT sector will increase through the implementation of; smart packaged products, ICT solutions for market communication, and knowledge driven entrepreneurship. The objective is to provide innovative tourism solutions drawing on data and results from the different WP and case studies A through D. Photo: Shutterstock BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

13 Case study themes «Empirical arena» Project integration Relevance
Samuel Taipale/ Case A: The composite adventure experience: We will cooperate with companies providing both traditional outdoor-, and emerging adventure experiences in order to conceptualize and design new forms of place-based products. Case B: The genuine wildlife experience: This case includes analysis of wildlife-related tourism supply in terrestrial, marine and fresh water environments as well as products being exclusively private and public goods. Case C: The pathfinder experience: Historical, cultural and contemporary dimensions of trail management will be analyzed to support development in the nature-based tourism sector. This also includes associated items, such as signs, maps, apps and other electronic media. Case D: The event experience: This case will focus on the increased number of events taking place in typical nature-based settings (for example adventure and music festivals, multisport competitions, mountain marathon). BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

14 Case areas Trysil Hardanger Varanger BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx
Photo: Shutterstock Photo. Shutterstock Trysil Hardanger Photo: Jonas Hasselgren BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

15 WP6 Outreach and communication
A communication professional is responsible for communication and dissemination in cooperation with the researchers. Communication is managed at three levels: information (to reach most of our target groups and create interest in the program), dialogue (to deepen the basic knowledge among target groups), relations (to reach the highest priority target groups that will be actively involved in research processes). Norwegian web-site: English web-site for researchers: Facebook: Other communication activities include newsletter, blogg, yearly seminars, a reference group, popular science publications, reports, scientific publications, an edited book or special issue, a popular science publication and a final conference. BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

16 WP7 Project administration
Project leader Deputy project leader Administrator/communicator WP1 leader WP2 leader WP3 leader WP4 leader WP5 leader Reference-group Steering-group BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

17 Norwegian research partners
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) Peter Fredman, Stian Stensland, Thrond Haugen, Knut-Bjørn Stokke, Morten Clemetsen, Knut Fossgard, Thomas Haraldseid, Kathrin Jathe Institute for Rural and Regional Research (Ruralis) Magnar Forbord, Gro Follo, Rita Sivertsvik Institute of Transport Economics (TØI) Jan Vidar Haukeland, Petter Dybedal, Knut Veisten Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) Øystein Aas Western Norway University of Applied Sciences Kristin Løseth BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

18 Foreign partners Mid-Sweden University and the European Tourism Research Institute (ETOUR) in Sweden Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) University of Applied Sciences in Rapperswil, Switzerland (HSR) Oregon State University (OSU) in the USA BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

19 Industry partners NHO Reiseliv (tourism industry organisation)
Hanen (rural tourism organisation) Norges Bondelag (Norwegian Farmers Union) DNT (the Norwegian Trekking Association) Innovasjon Norge (organization for innovation and development of Norwegian industry) BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

20 Reference group Dagny Øren, NHO Reiseliv
Bernt Bucher Johannessen, Hanen Kari Marte Sjøvik, Norges Bondelag Nils Øveraas, DNT Haaken Christensen, Innovasjon Norge Bente Rønning, Miljødirektoratet Morten Dåsnes, Friluftsrådenes landsforbund BIOTOUR xxxxxxxxxx Norwegian University of Life Sciences

21 More information
Project leader: Deputy leader: Communication and administration:


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