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Jesus Said: “Follow Me”

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1 Jesus Said: “Follow Me”
Let us see what that involves.

2 Introduction Matthew 10:37-39 "..he that doth not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me." Matthew 16:24-27 "...come after me...deny himself...follow me." We are commanded to follow Jesus and we are commanded to not follow other things. Who or how do you follow? Let us look at some types of followers.

3 Wholly Followed Numbers 32:9-14 Joshua and Caleb "wholly followed."
Joshua 14:8 "I wholly followed the Lord my God" (Caleb) This is similar to Paul speaking of keeping the faith in 2 Timothy 4:7. Wholly does not mean partially or a little. If Jesus gave it all for you, should you not give all for Him?

4 "At Once" Matthew 4:18-20 "at once they left their nets and followed."
Even when it involves our means of livelihood or way of life. Change is difficult for everyone. People get into routines and do not leave them, even if they realize that the change would be good. There may be some valid reasons for a person to not want to change things, but when the evidence suggests that it is beneficial, it is foolish to not do what is best for you. i.e. Diet, Exercise, attending church, studying your Bible.

5 "Wherever You Go" Matthew 8:19 "I will follow wherever you go."
Even when we don't understand where or why. Abraham believed God, and immediately left his fathers people to go to a place he did not know. Ruth told Naomi that she would follow her and do what she did, including worshipping the God Naomi served. The unwillingness to follow destroys more relationships that we can imagine.

6 "Left All" Matthew 19:27 "...we have left all."
We must be willing to leave all that the Lord demands. That would be worldliness, sin, and perhaps friends and family. In the end, if we continue faithfully it will be worth it all. The rich young ruler was sad when Jesus asked him to give all and follow Him.

7 Partial Just like the rich young ruler most will follow up to a point.
Until it becomes inconvenient. When service to God becomes bothersome or interferes with our fun and pleasure. Most people are not willing to give up the world. “We now have a generation that has come to follow Christ without giving up the world” A.W.Tozer ( )

8 Hungry John 6:26 they sought Him because He fed them.
While we are to hunger and seek after righteousness, this is not talking about that. Most people are looking for satisfaction of physical and social needs. That is why some churches in town have lots of cars outside their building and why some have very few. When people come together to have fun, they are pleasing themselves. They should be seeking to please God.

9 "But First" Luke. 9:59-62 …let me bury my father and another said let me say goodbye to those at home. As long as following doesn't conflict with something else. This is holding onto the things of this world as we read in 1 John 2: “all that is in the world will perish”. Would we be willing to give up these things for the sake of spending eternity with God?

10 "Afar Off" Matthew 26:58 …but Peter stood afar off”
This could have been because of a lack of commitment. It could be because Peter feared the same treatment? Too many who claim to be Christians are unwilling to confess His name in public and in their social circles. Sadly, many of your closest friends do not even know you go to church, which church you go to, what that church teaches, and they do not know you are even a Christian. If that is the case, you have forfeited your right to be called a Christian. Titus 1:16 “they profess to know Christ, but their deeds deny Him”.

11 Conclusion: Which of these would describe you as a follower of Christ?
Can we say like Caleb, "I wholly follow the Lord my God?" Can we be honest with ourselves and say that we truly follow Christ and the evidence is seen by others? What kind of follower are you?

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