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The 1920s.

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Presentation on theme: "The 1920s."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 1920s

2 The Red Scare/Palmer Raids
Bolshevik/Russian Revolution Red Scare Use of Sedition Act Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer Palmer Raids

3 Growing Nativism Nativism Nicola Sacco & Bartolomeo Vanzetti
National Origins Act Quotas 2nd Ku Klux Klan

4 Prohibition 18th Amendment Anti-Saloon League
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union Volstead Act Prohibition Bureau Speakeasies/Bootleggers Organized Crime/Al Capone

5 Pro-Business Government Policies
“The chief business of America is business”– President Calvin Coolidge Reduced income taxes on rich Reduced govt regulation of industry, opposition to labor unions Return to laissez faire form of capitalism

6 Growth of annual income New developments in advertising
Growing Consumerism Mass production Growth of annual income Spread of Electricity New products New developments in advertising Installment Buying A Superficial Prosperity

7 Road Construction/Route 66 Growth of Car Ownership
The Car Craze Model T & Model A Road Construction/Route 66 Related Industries Increased Mobility Suburbs & Commuting Growth of Car Ownership

8 Fundamentalism & the Scopes “Monkey” Trial
John T. Scopes Clarence Darrow Scopes Trial William Jennings Bryan Bishop Ussher

9 Flappers & the Challenge to Social Norms
Zelda Fitzgerald Impacts of WWI Flappers Changes in Clothing, Behaviors Changes in Dating, Attitudes Toward Marriage Limits to the Flappers’ “Rebellion”

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