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Seminar Presentation on Biometrics

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1 Seminar Presentation on Biometrics
Submitted by: Ms. Afreen Solkar Guided by: Ms. Nazneen Akhter

2 An Outline To The Topic Introduction to Biometrics It’s History
Basic Categories Current and Future Trends Block Diagram and It’s Working Errors Occurring Applications Advantages And Disadvantages Conclusion

3 Introduction To Biometrics
The Term Bio-metrics is derived from the Greek Word bio (life) and metric (to measure) Techniques applied for verifying and confirming user’s identity 1) something you know, passwords or PIN’s 2) something you have, smart card or ATM card 3) something you are , BIOMETRICS The system can either be verification or identification Identification of a person based on the physiological or behavioral characteristics

4 It’s History Historically the term is related to biological sciences
Technology, moved from a single method(fingerprinting) to infinite number of methods Finger printing is one of the most primitive case and is still being used today Biometric history in recent past (three decades) has seen drastic advancements

5 Basic Categories Of Biometrics
Physiological Behavioral Facial features Features of the eye Retina Iris Finger prints Hand geometry Palm geometry DNA Odor/scent Typing rhythm Gait Handwritten signature Keystrokes/Typing patterns Voiceprint

6 Types Of Biometrics In Use
Hand/ Finger Geometry: Fingerprint recognition: Record of length, width, height of hand/ fingers . Analyzing fingertip patterns

7 Surveillance: Face recognition: Analyzing the characteristics of
individuals face by taking digital image. Techniques used: Facial geometry Skin pattern Facial thermo gram Smile Monitoring the behavior, activities, or other changing information.

8 Iris recognition: Voice or speaker Verification:
Analyzing features of colored ring of the eye by using techniques based on high resolution images of the individuals iris. Analyzing vocal behavior

9 Current And Future Trends
Smart cards: Retina recognition: Signature recognition: Skin texture analysis:

10 Vein vascular pattern Keystroke dynamics: Gait:

11 Lips identification: Ear recognition: DNA matching:
Nail recognition: Body odour recognition: your body as password DNA matching:

12 Block Diagram & Working
2 types of Authentication systems: 1) Verification 2) Identification Working : Data Collection Signal Processing Template Creation Transmission Matching

13 Errors Occurring Failure to Capture Error(FCE)
Failure to Enroll Error(FEE) False Match Error(FME) False Non Match Error(FNME) Ranking Error(RE)

14 Applications Forensic Government Commercial Healthcare
Travel and immigration Medical Security

15 Advantages Increases security Reduces cost within organizations
Convenience to employees Replace hard to remember passwords Can be re-issued Person himself is the key

16 Drawbacks Working of each device on a particular characteristics
Accuracy of Performance Failure to enroll rate May violate privacy Security requires training Fingerprints changes with time Health problems Voice changes with age

17 Conclusion Biometrics is uniquely bound to individuals and may offer organizations a stronger method of authentication Biometrics is a very interesting and exciting field that has be growing exponentially in recent years The wide variety of physically unique traits which our bodies give us will soon allow us to live in a very secure password-less world

18 Thank You

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