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Capturing the Secret Dances in the Brain

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1 Capturing the Secret Dances in the Brain
“Detecting current density vector coherent movement”

2 A problem proposed by: Cerebral Diagnosis

3 The Brain The most complex organ 85 % Water 100 billion nerve cells
Signal speed may reach upto 429 km/hr

4 Neuronal Communication
Neurons communicate using electrical and chemical signals Ions allow these signals to form

5 Brain Imaging Techniques

6 Electroencephalogram
Electrodes on scalp measure these voltages An EEG outputs the voltage and the locations

7 EEG of a Vertex wave from Stage I sleep
Voltage time 7

8 Inverse Problem Solving using eLoreta
The EEG collects the amplitudes Inverse Problem Solving allows the computation of an electrical field vector Output is current density vectors at voxels

9 Problems Goal: to capture certain behaviour common to groups of vectors Problem A: Classify the vectors according to orientations and spatial positions Problem B: Classify the vectors that dance in unison

10 Problem A Input: Top 5% of Activity
Classify the vectors according to orientations and spatial positions Input: Top 5% of Activity Normalize the data onto a unit sphere Classification Output: Clusters

11 Classification Initialization: Statistical algorithm to group into 4 clusters as suggested by the data. Refinement: Partition each cluster into subsets of spatially related voxels via where x and y are physical coordinates of a pair of voxels.

12 Problem A-Nataliya Next step: Refinement of clusters based on orientation. pairwise inner product < i, j > 5 5 2 6 2 6 4 1 4 1 3 3 Separation criterion: inner product >tol (e.g., tol=0.8).

13 Problem A-Two Layer Classification
First, classify the voxels in connected spatial neighborhoods Second, refine each neighborhood according to orientations

14 Problem A-Two Layer Classification

15 Problem B Classify the vectors that dance in unison

16 Problem B Dance in Unison??? Doing the same thing at the same time?
Doing different things at the same dance?

17 Problem B Algorithm 1 Spatial proximity, similar orientation, similar velocity Same two-layer classification algorithm! Critera for refining spatial clusters : orientation, velocity

18 Problem B-First Layer Results

19 Problem B-Second Layer Result Part I

20 Problem B-Second Layer Result Part II


22 Problem B: SVD Clustering

23 Problem B: Dominique

24 Problem B: Yousef

25 Problem B: Yousef

26 Problem B The proposed distance that determines current density vectors dancing in unison is the inner product of normalized differences diffi diffj i j n time frames The clustered vectors move along relatively the same trajectory with variation controlled by a user defined tolerance parameter.

27 Problem B: Nataliya

28 Problem B: Varvara (Clustering Using Cosine Similarity Measure)

29 Problem B: Varvara (Clustering Using Cosine Similarity Measure)
Member of a cluster End Compute Cosine for any two consecutive times for each voxel Input-Data Test condition 1 Test condition m Dancing in unison means

30 Problem B: Varvara (Clustering Using Cosine Similarity Measure)

31 Conclusions: In this project we tried to observe whether or not any pattern exists in the CDVs data at a fixed time, and over a time interval. During this very short period of time we were able to solve the two problems in more than one way. Data whose magnitudes are more that 95% of the maximum magnitudes in the given range were observed. Next step: validation with other random data, refine models that already work

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