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“Blocking” your essay -one way to make sure you address the tasks

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Presentation on theme: "“Blocking” your essay -one way to make sure you address the tasks"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Blocking” your essay -one way to make sure you address the tasks
Problem: Explain how it was a result of industrialization Describe an attempt to solve it Discuss extent to which it was successful Increase in anti-immigration problems -Rise of “un-skilled laborers” in factory system -“new immigrants” from eastern and southern Europe and Asia come for jobs- will work for cheaper -”nativism”- anti immigration feelings Government- passes Quota Acts in 1920s “Quotas” of immigrants from different nationalities Meant to encourage immigrants from North and Western Europe “New immigrants” greatly limited after 1920s Race based immigration around until the 1960s Overcrowding of cities…

2 Piece of writing Describe hist. circumstances surrounding issue addressed Discuss an action taken by gov’t OR a group OR an individual in respone

3 Tips on Thematic Write what you know about! What eras/ topics are you most interested in? Don’t just rely on their suggestions.

4 Some tips: Tie your specific law/case/whatever to the big story-
GO BACK IN TIME FOR HISTORICAL CONTEXT GO FORWARD FOR EFFECT/ IMPACT/ CHANGE Write your essay to a reasonably intelligent adult who knows nothing about the topic BLOCK YOUR ESSAY: Clearly address each aspect of task (bullet) in order (at least one paragraph for each)

5 Prepare to write about two….
Technologies Laws Supreme court cases Foreign policies Amendments (Meisenholder/ Wyngowski) Movements of people (Rider) Writings Presidential actions Individuals who contributed to life

6 student addresses the assigned task
CRITERIA: The extent to which… Score of 5 Score of 4 Score of 3 Score of 2 Score of 1 student addresses the assigned task Thoroughly develops all aspects of the task evenly and in depth Develops all aspects of the task but may do so unevenly Develops all aspects of the task with little depth OR develops most of the aspects of the task in some depth Minimally develops all aspects of the task or develops some aspects of the task in some depth Minimally develops some aspects of the task Student utilizes higher level thinking skills in their response Is more analytical than descriptive (analyzes, evaluates, and/or creates information) Is both descriptive and analytical (applies, analyzes, evaluates, and/or creates information) Is more descriptive than analytical (applies, may analyze and/or evaluate information) Is primarily descriptive; may include faulty, weak, or isolated application or analysis Is descriptive; may lack understanding, application, or analysis Student support their ideas with fact, examples, and details Richly supports the theme with many relevant facts, examples, and details Supports the theme with relevant facts, examples and detail Includes some relevant facts, examples, and details; may include some minor inaccuracies Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details; may include some inaccuracies Student organizes and develops a social studies essay Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and conclusion that are beyond a restatement of the theme Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization; includes an introduction and conclusion that may be a restatement of the theme Demonstrates a general plan of organization; may lack focus; may contain digressions; may not clearly identify which aspect of the task is being addressed; may lack an introduction and/or conclusion May demonstrate a weakness in organization; may lack focus; may contain digressions; may not clearly identify which aspect of the task is being addressed; may lack an introduction and/or conclusion

7 Some “stories” that fit a lot of thematics:
The Jungle- TR gets Meat Inspection Act passed Manifest Destiny- James K Polk- War with Mexico Internment of Japanese Dropping the bomb Trail of Tears Segregation--- Civil Rights movement Imperialism!

8 Always give “historical context”
June supreme court August technology January laws Always choose “2” Always give “historical context” Usually “impact /effects/ change”

9 Pres. Actions Describe hist. circumstances surrounding it Discuss impact of the presidential action

10 SC case Describe hist. circumstances surrounding case Explain SC’s decision Discuss how decision limited or expanded rts.

11 Problem: Explain how it was a result of industrialization Describe an attempt to solve it Discuss extent to which it was successful

12 EVENT Describe how geographic factor or condition influenced it Discuss political, social, and/or economic impacts

13 Individual Describe a problem in Am. Society tried to change Discuss an important contribution made Evaluate impact of contribution on Am. life

14 Turning points Describe hist. circumstances that led to it Discuss pol, soc, and/or economic changes

15 Period of migration Describe hist. circumstances that led to it Discuss the impact of the migration on US


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