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We the People 2.8 “What Basic Ideas About Government are In the Declaration of Independence?”

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Presentation on theme: "We the People 2.8 “What Basic Ideas About Government are In the Declaration of Independence?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 We the People 2.8 “What Basic Ideas About Government are In the Declaration of Independence?”

2 Why was the Declaration of Independence Written?



5 Why was the Declaration of Independence Written?
To encourage colonists to want independence

6 Why was the Declaration of Independence Written?
To encourage colonists to want independence To argue for rights

7 Why was the Declaration of Independence Written?
To encourage colonists to want independence To argue for rights To complain about the king

8 How was the Declaration of Independence organized?

9 How was the Declaration of Independence organized?
A. Preamble a. introduction

10 How was the Declaration of Independence organized?
A. Preamble a. introduction b. stating the colonies want to break away from Great Britain

11 How was the Declaration of Independence organized?
B. Declaration of Natural Rights

12 How was the Declaration of Independence organized?
B. Declaration of Natural Rights a. life, liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

13 How was the Declaration of Independence organized?
B. Declaration of Natural Rights a. life, liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness b. Government to protect people

14 How was the Declaration of Independence organized?
B. Declaration of Natural Rights a. life, liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness b. Government to protect people c. Government gets its power from the people

15 How was the Declaration of Independence organized?
B. Declaration of Natural Rights a. life, liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness b. Government to protect people c. Government gets its power from the people d. If the government is destructive, the people should abolish it


17 How was the Declaration of Independence organized?
C. List of Grievances a. complaints

18 How was the Declaration of Independence organized?
C. List of Grievances a. complaints b. the longest portion


20 How was the Declaration of Independence organized?
D. Resolution of Independence a. free + independent

21 How was the Declaration of Independence organized?
D. Resolution of Independence a. free + independent b. pledge lives, fortunes, and sacred honor

22 How was the Declaration of Independence organized?
D. Resolution of Independence a. free + independent b. pledge lives, fortunes, and sacred honor i. Willing to Commit Treason

23 What Reasons Does the Declaration Give for Independence?


25 What Reasons Does the Declaration Give for Independence?
A. Rights of citizens are based on natural law


27 What Reasons Does the Declaration Give for Independence?
A. Rights of citizens are based on natural law B. If government violates rights then the people have the right to abolish government


29 What Reasons Does the Declaration Give for Independence?
A. Rights of citizens are based on natural law B. If government violates rights then the people have the right to abolish government C. Government is an agreement between the government and the people


31 What Reasons Does the Declaration Give for Independence?
A. Rights of citizens are based on natural law B. If government violates rights then the people have the right to abolish government C. Government is an agreement between the government and the people D. Colonists had no representatives in Parliament so it had no right to tax or enforce laws


33 What Reasons Does the Declaration Give for Independence?
A. Rights of citizens are based on natural law B. If government violates rights then the people have the right to abolish government C. Government is an agreement between the government and the people D. Colonists had no representatives in Parliament so it had no right to tax or enforce laws E. King violates his agreements with the colonists

34 What complaints against the king does the Declaration include?



37 What complaints against the king does the Declaration include?
A. “He sent many soldiers and they are eating our food”

38 What complaints against the king does the Declaration include?
A. “He sent many soldiers and they are eating our food” B. Cut off trade with the rest of the world

39 What complaints against the king does the Declaration include?
A. “He sent many soldiers and they are eating our food” B. Cut off trade with the rest of the world C. Has Mock Trials (pretend) for Kings officers

40 What complaints against the king does the Declaration include?
A. “He sent many soldiers and they are eating our food” B. Cut off trade with the rest of the world C. Has Mock Trials (pretend) for Kings officers D. No taxation without representation

41 What complaints against the king does the Declaration include?
A. “He sent many soldiers and they are eating our food” B. Cut off trade with the rest of the world C. Has Mock Trials (pretend) for Kings officers D. No taxation without representation E. Neglect Trials by Jury!

42 What complaints against the king does the Declaration include?
A. “He sent many soldiers and they are eating our food” B. Cut off trade with the rest of the world C. Has Mock Trials (pretend) for Kings officers D. No taxation without representation E. Neglect Trials by Jury! F. “He abolishes our laws”

43 What complaints against the king does the Declaration include?
A. “He sent many soldiers and they are eating our food” B. Cut off trade with the rest of the world C. Has Mock Trials (pretend) for Kings officers D. No taxation without representation E. Neglect Trials by Jury! F. “He abolishes our laws” G. “Destroyed our lives by burning out property”

44 What complaints against the king does the Declaration include? Cont.
H. “Our citizens are taken prisoner off colonists ships”

45 Dear King George III Independence Hall Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
July 2, 1776 Dear King George III, #1 (Preamble + Natural Rights) #2 Complaints * #3 Resolution to Independence Close Signature

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