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Enjoy with salads and poultry dishes, or on its own.

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Presentation on theme: "Enjoy with salads and poultry dishes, or on its own."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fresh, delicate floral aromas supported by citrus flavors of lemon and lime.
Enjoy with salads and poultry dishes, or on its own. Fresh, delicate floral aromas supported by citrus flavors of lemon and lime. Enjoy with salads and poultry dishes, or on its own. Fresh, delicate floral aromas supported by citrus flavors of lemon and lime. Enjoy with salads and poultry dishes, or on its own. Fresh, delicate floral aromas supported by citrus flavors of lemon and lime. Enjoy with salads and poultry dishes, or on its own. Fresh, delicate floral aromas supported by citrus flavors of lemon and lime. Enjoy with salads and poultry dishes, or on its own. Fresh, delicate floral aromas supported by citrus flavors of lemon and lime. Enjoy with salads and poultry dishes, or on its own.

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