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Resources to Support Your Work

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Presentation on theme: "Resources to Support Your Work"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resources to Support Your Work

2 2

3 Practice Guides for Infants and Toddlers


5 Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center

6 National Center on Cultural & Linguistic Responsiveness

7 SpecialQuest Multimedia Training Library

8 Engage Families to Help Children Succeed
Higher preschool performance and promotion to next grade 7,8 More positive engagement with peers, adults, and learning9 Buffers negative impact of poverty on academic and behavioral outcomes10

9 Inclusion can benefit children with and without disabilities, particularly in social competence with peers6.

10 Adaptations Help All Children
Adaptations allow teachers to do the same things that they would do with all children—facilitate their participation in activities and routines. Adaptations can be used to: Make situations better for a particular child. Improve situations for the entire group.


12 December 2012 eNewsletter:
Using Assistive Technology to Promote Literacy in Infants and Toddlers

13 Improve Experiences for Each Child



16 Dual language learners are heavily overrepresented among low-achieving students (within the bottom 5% – 25% of the achievement distribution) and severely underrepresented among high achievers (within the top 5% - 25% of the achievement distribution). 5

17 Organized around 10 principles
Multicultural Principles for Head Start Programs Serving Children Ages Birth To Five Organized around 10 principles Every individual is rooted in culture The cultural groups in the communities and families of each program are the primary sources for culturally relevant programming Questions to support reflection, planning, and policy development

18 You Can Make A Difference
An effective teacher can have a stronger influence on student achievement than poverty, language background, class size, and minority status 11


20 Getting Explicit and Intentional
How will you use your daily leadership opportunities to influence up, down, and sideways? What will you do differently as a result of this presentation? What resources will you access? Share?

21 Thank you for joining us today.
Appreciation Thank you for joining us today.

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