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Presented by Scott McGinnis June 2012

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1 Presented by Scott McGinnis June 2012
US Army Barracks Renovations & Other Military Projects Presented by Scott McGinnis June 2012

2 What are we looking at? Army is renovating it’s base barracks across US Mostly Active Duty Bases, some Reserve Bases Up to 500 dorms over the next 5 years Increase Energy Efficiency Comply with Federal mandates 90.1, 62.1, 189.1, LEED Upgrade to current ventilation standards Control the space %rh with a DOAS Prevent or Remediate Mold Upgrade sensors to monitor and control Humidity Deliver between 43-48F dew points with 70-75F reheat Thus, they need Munters DryCool systems

3 Active Army Base Locations: 500 Barracks

4 Request for Proposals Sent out by the Corp of Engineers, Ft Worth
Posted on Dorms at a time Issued to Multiple Task Order Contract (MATOC) General Contractors GC assembles team to respond with design and energy analysis US contracting office evaluates and awards the contract Price is not main issue, but max price may be set Compliance and Energy Efficiently are main criteria Ft Polk, Volar Barracks GC: Chicago MEP: OKC MC: Little Rock So, need to get the word out that we have the solutions

5 - Design/Build - Barracks - 30% over 90.1
- Humidity Control

6 Basis of Award

7 Criteria

8 Understand the Specification
Must meet ASHRAE , and Table A Exceed by 30% Register and meet LEED Silver Ventilation is set at 75 cfm per Living Area with 50 cfm EA DOAS system to be used: Must be DX Must use Enthalpy Wheel Deliver 43-48F dew point Deliver DryBulb at 70-75F Space to be held at: Summer: 75Fdb 45% rh (max) Winter: Fdb 50% rh (max)

9 Future May adopt one or more of the following:
Exceed by 40% (with plug loads) Follow LEED 2012 Exceed by 30% So we need to pay attention to these changes as they will only help us

10 Executive Orders Net Zero Energy 30% Reduction

11 Recent Job: National Guard MS

12 Recent Job: National Guard MS
75 46F Dew Point

13 Recent Job: National Guard MS

14 Because the spec calls for Energy Recovery, it is important to let contactors know that a standard Cool/Reheat system will not help them save energy

15 What about Energy Efficiency in Future
All States Must Adopt by Oct 2013

16 Climate Zone 60% TER Req’d Std. 189
Climate Zone % TER Req’d Std Design Air flow when >80% OA 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7, 8 (Moist E. US + Alaska) > 0 cfm (all sizes require TER) 6B > 1,500 cfm 1B, 2B, 5C > 4,000 cfm 3B, 3C, 4B, 4C, 5B > 5,000 cfm

17 ~80% US population “A” Climate Zone % TER Req’d Std Design Air flow when >80% OA 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7, 8 (Moist E. US + Alaska) > 0 cfm (all sizes require TER) 6B > 1,500 cfm 1B, 2B, 5C > 4,000 cfm 3B, 3C, 4B, 4C, 5B > 5,000 cfm

18 Climate Zone 60% TER Req’d Std. 189
Climate Zone % TER Req’d Std Design Air flow when >80% OA 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7, 8 (Moist E. US + Alaska) > 0 cfm (all sizes require TER) 6B > 1,500 cfm 1B, 2B, 5C > 4,000 cfm 3B, 3C, 4B, 4C, 5B > 5,000 cfm

19 Unit of Choice vs Cool/Reheat or Pinnacle
Low Dew Point + Energy Recovery + 30% savings = DryCool ERV, 3 Fan HCU-ERV

20 Enthalpy Wheel + Desiccant

21 75F/56 dp 75F/40.3 dp 7000 cfm and 20 tons 81F/61.5 dp 93F/68F dp 53F/53 dp

22 Top Points to make to Design Build Teams
Munters has experience and relationships with Corps Price is not the determining factor, energy savings is The baseline for DOAS is DX / Condenser reheat Building must beat 90.1 by 30% DOAS may be 50% of the energy usage Can not get there with DX/Condenser Reheat Can not get to low dew points with DX / Condenser reheat Munters DryCool complies with all of the requirements DX packaged system Enthalpy Wheel option Desiccant allows for low dew points and less energy that baseline, >30% in some cases

23 Point to Make vs. Cool / Reheat
Some teams may opt for the cheaper Cool/Reheat units: (aaon, valent, greenheck) Cool/Reheat is the baseline according to 90.1 Adding an enthalpy wheel is in the spec, so no credit there No energy savings to be gained with standard Cool/Reheat Reheat may be required in some Temp Bins (energy use)

24 4. DX coil sees 9% more airflow than Space = 9% more tons
Vs. Pinnacle Heat in Summer Delivery at 70-75F SA Fan = 17% more airlfow than needed EA Fan = 29% more air flow than needed 4. DX coil sees 9% more airflow than Space = 9% more tons Dehumid is driven by Room %rh Split System required and semco does not sell ACCU

25 Compare: Baseline vs. Munters vs. Semco

26 Conclusion Managing the decisions makers is difficult
Need to be first into engineer who are bidding Show how DX/Cond reheat will not benefit energy Show how DryCool Products will benefit Become basis of Design Build Proposal Munters is monitoring and in contact with the Corps of Engineers to find out when new jobs are coming out from bid Munters will send leads to each rep office Lead may be the GC, who we need to contact to determine his team Contact both Engineer and Mechanical Contractor Coordinate with cross territory reps Rely on your RSM and AE and Scott McGinnis (Corps Contact) Make Munters the basis for each design/build team bidding

27 Questions?

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