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Policy Development in Yukon Education

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1 Policy Development in Yukon Education
First Nations Education Commission (FNEC) Presentation October 22, 2014

2 Policy Development in Yukon Education
Introduction Purpose of Presentation Policy Making in Yukon Education – An Overview Authority Levels – Department, School Councils Development & Approval Process General First Nation Consultation Current Policy Projects First Nations Collaboration – Moving Forward Questions

3 Policy Development in Yukon Education
Policy Making Authority – Education Act The Education Act provides that Yukon Education may issue policies and guidelines in order to give effect to any of the provisions of the Act.  The Education Act also provides that a School Council may establish policies, rules, and procedures for their school. 

4 Policy Development in Yukon Education
Levels of Policy Department Wide Policies – these apply in all Yukon schools and to the entire department, and they are known as ‘Yukon Education policies’.  For example, Yukon Education is working on a draft ‘Safe and Caring Schools and Managing Student Discipline Policy’, which will provide guidelines for school administrators and School Councils to use when they develop and approve rules and procedures for ensuring a safe and caring school environment and for managing discipline at their school. School Council Policies - these apply only in the school over which the School Council has responsibility, and are known as ‘school-based policies’.  For example, Porter Creek Secondary School has a ‘Discipline Policy’, the purpose of which is to provide guidelines for managing student discipline at PCSS. 

5 Policy Development in Yukon Education
Development and Approval Process – Yukon Education Policies There are no general provisions in the Education Act governing how Yukon Education policies are to be developed and approved. The Act simply states that Yukon Education may issue policies and guidelines to give effect to any provision of the Act.  Historically, draft policies have been reviewed by the Policy Advisory Committee, a group made up primarily of school administrators, school council members, and Yukon Education staff.  All Yukon education policies are provided to the deputy minister of Yukon Education for final approval.

6 Policy Development in Yukon Education
Development and Approval Process – School Based Policies There are no provisions in the Act governing how school-based policies are to be developed and approved. The Act simply provides that a School Council may establish policies on any matter within its jurisdiction.  For school-based rules, the Act provides that a School Council approves these rules (as well as procedures for enforcing the rules) after they have been developed by the school administration in consultation with school employees and after having requested input from students.   Other than school-based staff, Yukon Education has typically not been involved in the development and approval of school-based rules and policies.

7 Policy Development in Yukon Education
Development and Approval Process – First Nation Consultation Section 54 (1) of the Education Act provides that, on the establishment of the ‘Central Indian Education Authority’ (defined in the Act as the body established by the Council for Yukon First Nations to act for it on educational matters), Yukon Education must consult with that body on any matter affecting the education and language of instruction of aboriginal people.    This would include, for example, consulting on the ‘Safe and Caring Schools and Managing Student Discipline Policy’ currently under development. The Act does not define ‘consult’ or set out the process or substance of how consultation should occur.

8 Policy Development in Yukon Education
Development & Approval Process – First Nation Consultation Section 55 of the Act provides that every school administration, in consultation with the Yukon First Nation served by the school, must include in the school program activities relevant to the culture, heritage, traditions, and practices of the Yukon First Nation.    This would include, for example, consultation on school-based policies and rules that are relevant to the culture, heritage, traditions, and practices of the Yukon First Nation served by the school.     

9 Policy Development in Yukon Education
Current Policy Projects Recently Approved – ‘Student Accommodation & Boarding Allowances Policy’ Under Development: ‘Safe and Caring Schools and Managing Student Discipline’ Involvement of YFN EAC

10 Policy Development in Yukon Education
First Nations Collaboration & Consultation – Moving Forward Open Discussion: Role of FNEC in the development of Yukon Education Policies Role of Yukon First Nations in the development of School-Based Policies at the Community Level

11 Policy Development in Yukon Education

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