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7th Grade Science Max.

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Presentation on theme: "7th Grade Science Max."— Presentation transcript:

1 7th Grade Science Max

2 All About Me Born and raised in Buford; graduated from BHS in 1993
BA in Microbiology from UGA and MEd at UNG Married to Stephen, and we have 2 girls (Abby is 13, Kate is 8) Hobbies: Reading, cooking, watching football, spending time with my family Blake

3 Science Overview This year the students will study life science. This will prepare them for high school biology. Max

4 Science Content The units of study will include: Scientific Method
Classification Cells Human Body Genetics Evolution Ecology Christy C

5 Getting Nerdy I will be using an instructional program called Getting
Nerdy. This is an engaging curriculum which includes PowerPoints, labs, and activities. I will also supplement other labs and activities in my lessons. Tests will be over the material that your child will have in his or her science binder. Max

6 Grading Scale Formative Labs and activities 25% Quizzes 10%
Class work and homework 5% Summative Tests % Benchmarks % Max

7 How Can I Help My Child Succeed in Science?
Study notes for minutes every night. Use flash cards for vocabulary Quiz your child over his or her handouts Ask them to teach you what they learned that day

8 How Can I Help My Child Succeed in Science?
Stay organized Encourage your child to ask questions in class Encourage your child to do their best Show them that science is important!

9 Resources Buford Middle School My Website (Google Classroom)
Quizlet Online Flashcard Maker Max

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