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Revelation Part I Lesson 9a.

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1 Revelation Part I Lesson 9a

2 Review Jesus is in the midst of the churches
Ephesus: abandoned their first love and were in danger of losing their church Smyrna: suffering, called to be faithful to death. No reproof for this church Pergamum: lived in the midst of false teaching and where Satan’s throne was Thyatira: tolerated false teaching and sin Sardis: dead, called to repent Philadelphia: enduring, keeping His word

3 Laodicea Got their water from Colossae (pure and cold) and from Hierapolis (hot) resulting in lukewarm water for them. No water source of its own Wealthiest city as banking was one of its main sources of wealth Wool production and a medical school was also a source of wealth Church was the result of Epaphras spreading the gospel in the area (Col. 1:3-8; 4:12-13)

4 Description of Jesus “The Amen”: means sure or truly. It confirms the preceding words and invokes their fulfillment. (Zod.) Jesus is the OPPOSITE of what the people in that church were “The faithful and true Witness”: martus – “One who has information or knowledge of something and can bring to light or confirm something”

5 Witness John 1:18 Jesus explained the Father
John 14:8-12 “If you’ve seen Me, you’ve seen the Father” John 5 & 8 He spoke the Father’s words and did nothing on His own initiative Rev. 19:9,11 “These are TRUE words of God” Rev. 21:5 “These words are faithful and true” John 14:6 He Himself is “THE TRUTH”

6 Description of Jesus “The Beginning of the creation of God”
“arche” – ruler, beginning, first. Christ is called “the beginning” because He is the efficient cause of the creation; “the head” because He is before all things and all things were created by Him and for Him. (Zod.) Col. 1:15, 17 In Him all things hold together

7 Commendation NONE!!! Sardis: no commendation for the church as a whole
Commendation for the other churches: Deeds/works, perseverance, endurance Faithfulness in tribulation and poverty Holding fast Jesus’ name where Satan’s throne was Love, service, not holding to false teaching Keeping His Word, not denying His name

8 Reproof Lukewarm: Jesus said He wanted to spit them out of His mouth
Said they were rich and had need of nothing But they were poor, wretched, miserable, blind and naked Col. 2:2 Wealth comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is Christ

9 Reproof of the other churches
Ephesus: left/abandoned their first love Pergamum: some had held to false teaching Thyatira: most had been led astray to immorality and held to false teaching Sardis: dead and their deeds were not complete Only Smyrna and Philadelphia, the faithful churches IN tribulation, given no reproof

10 Jesus’ position in Laodicea
Outside the door, knocking: for the church No handle Must be opened from the inside

11 Cross References “True Child of God”
2 Cor. 13:5 Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith I John 2:19 IF they had been of us, they would have remained with us… Matt. 7:15-23 Wolves in sheep’s clothing; you will know them by their fruits. Not everyone who says to Me, “Lord, Lord” will enter the kingdom of heaven, ONLY he who DOES the will of My Father.

12 Rev. 3:18-20 Solution: They needed to buy from Him gold refined by fire and white garments to clothe their nakedness (3:18) and eye salve How do you buy gold refined by fire from God? How do you buy white garments from God? By becoming saved which will bring trials, refining you by fire, like pure gold. Rev. 19:8 ….the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints Eye salve? Truth of God’s word which only God reveals through His Holy Spirit

13 Isaiah 48:10 “Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction” Are YOU being tested and afflicted? What are your righteous deeds? Do you base your worth on what you Do or who you ARE in Christ? Only the deeds done for Christ will last, which means they must be done in love.

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