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What have we learned about rewards?

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Presentation on theme: "What have we learned about rewards?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What have we learned about rewards?

2 We are commanded to pursue rewards
We are accountable for the way we live To get rewards we need to live a rewardable life Our Judge is just, but also merciful Those who show mercy will receive mercy We will be judged on how much we achieve our God-given potential

3 Faithful believers will rule with Christ forever
Everyone will be evaluated before God We decide which judgment we will face We must decide if we are ready to face the Lord Good works clothe us for the Kingdom celebration An enduring love means an enduring reward

4 Overcomes! 2 Timothy 2:11-13 A Verse 11 Salvation Truth B Verse 12a Discipleship Truth B Verse 12b Discipleship Truth A Verse 13 Salvation Truth One word: Two applications

5 Overcoming All believers are heirs of God. We all get into the Kingdom of God. We all inherit eternal life. But not all inherit the same things. We shape our future by the way we live today!

6 Overcoming 1 John 5:4-5: All believers when they believe Revelation 2-3: All believers if they stay faithful

7 An enduring love means an enduring reward

8 Rewards are personal

9 Staying faithful in persecutions
SMYRNA Staying faithful in persecutions

10 They were about to face severe persecution.
This is a church known for good works facing financial difficulties and persecution. The vision of Jesus given to the messenger is of the Eternal One who died and is alive forever. They were about to face severe persecution. Situation

11 Apparently due to their difficult situation, no criticism is revealed.
Jesus knows and understands what each of us face. Judgment from a living God is different than simply a book of rules. Evaluation

12 Their persecution would have time limits, but some of them may die.
Like all Overcomers, they had to be faithful until death. But, their difficulties brought a focus from the Lord; “just be concerned with this…” What a kind response. Surely, He saw more. Obligation

13 God is morally perfect and communicates that to us – 1 Jn. 1:5
To fellowship with this perfect God, we must not walk in darkness – 1:6 God walks with us when we walk in the light – 1:7 A lack of consciousness of sin does not mean the absence of sin – 1:8 When we deal with what we know, He deals with what we don’t know – 1:9 Obligation 1 John 1:7

14 Obligation The Christian God, the only true God, is personal.
God’s dealings with humanity always takes into account our situations. He never compromises, but He does always care. Isa. 40:28 “No one can measure the depths of his understanding.” (NLT) God gets it. Obligation

15 A special reward for those who faithfully endure suffering.
The “crown of life” James 1:12 A special reward for those who faithfully endure suffering. Forever distinguished among billions. Compensation

16 Type of Crowns in the New Testament:
1 Cor. 9:25 - Imperishable 1 Thess. 2:19 – Crown of rejoicing 2 Tim. 4:6-8 – Crown of righteousness Jas. 1:12; Rev. 2:10 – Crown of life 1 Peter 5:4 – Crown of glory Rev. 4:4 – Crown of gold Compensation

17 Jesus: “They can only do so much to you. I own life!”
“Second death” Born one, die twice. Born twice, die once. Jesus: “They can only do so much to you. I own life!” This is not all there is! Conclusion

18 “not worthy to be compared”
Romans 8:12-17 “not worthy to be compared” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 What are you looking at? An Unending Conclusion

19 Rewards are personal

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