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GATE Program Eligibility Parent Information Meeting

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1 GATE Program Eligibility Parent Information Meeting
Presented by SGUSD Special Projects Gifted and Talented Education Education

2 Introductions Venecia Lizarzaburu Director of Special Projects
Jennifer Vargas GATE Coordinator and Elementary Instructional Coach Bonnie Chan Community Liaison (Chinese) McKinley Yolanda Palom Community Liaison (Spanish) Roosevelt Phoebe Tran Community Liaison (Vietnamese) Introductions

3 AGENDA Present Changes in SGUSD GATE Eligibility Criteria
Overview of Otis Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT8) Overview of Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT2) Testing Tips Questions

4 Changes in Eligibility Criteria
Use of standardized assessment to more accurately identify students in underrepresented populations and students previously overlooked in the referral process OLSAT8 and NNAT2 scores will serve as initial identification tool for GATE qualification of incoming 4th graders (3rd Grade) CAASPP scores will be used as an additional identification tool.

5 GATE Identification Categories
SGUSD defines a gifted and talented student as one who exhibits academic excellence or the capacity for academic excellence far beyond that of their chronological peers in one or more of the following gifted/talented categories: · High Academic Ability · High Achievement · Specific Academic Ability

6 Culturally Neutral Eligibility
The district is committed to providing a culturally neutral identification process Goal: Unbiased designation regardless of the students’ primary language and socioeconomic background.

7 Culturally Neutral Eligibility
Qualifying percentiles are adjusted and in accordance with designations for student subgroups used by surrounding districts. The targeted student subgroups include English Language Learners, Foster Youth, children of military personnel, and students within the federally defined poverty level.

8 Eligibility Thresholds for Qualification
Test High Academic Qualifying scores on OLSAT8 in either Verbal or Nonverbal High Achievement Qualifying CAASPP Scores in both Math & ELA Specific Academic Qualifying CAASPP Scores for 2 consecutive years in either Math or ELA w/same content area Qualifying % Range Qualifying % Range: Subgroups OLSAT8: Verbal X 95-99th% 90-99th% OLSAT8: Math NNAT2 Nonverbal CAASPP: ELA CAASPP: Math

9 Assessments for Initial Identification: 3rd Grade Students
The NNAT2 will be administered to English Language Learners at the CELDT 1-3 or ELPAC Levels 1-3. The OLSAT8 will be administered to English Only Learners and English Language Learners classified as CELDT 4-5 or ELPAC 4: Upper Bridging.

10 Use of CAASPP Assessments for Eligibility
3rd grade students may also qualify under the “High Achievement” category. CAASPP scores will be reviewed annually by the SGUSD GATE Office for qualifying scores under the “High Achievement” and “Specific Academic Ability” categories for students in grades 4-8.

11 “Opt Out” Parents of all 3rd grade students will be notified of the assessment and qualification process annually. Families may choose to “Opt Out” of the OLSAT8 or NNAT2 assessment and qualification process. Send in “Request to NOT Participate” Form.

12 Otis Lennon School Ability Test: OLSAT8
The OLSAT8 is a multiple choice test commonly used in the U.S. to identify gifted children. Comprised of both verbal and non-verbal questions OLSAT8 used specifically to measure abilities related to success in school, testing critical thinking and reasoning skills. The online assessment is timed and takes approximately 75 minutes to administer.

13 Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test: NNAT2
The NNAT2 is a nonverbal standardized test of general ability commonly used to identify gifted children. Considered culturally neutral; contains minimal use of language and directions, and does not require reading, writing, or speaking. Incorporates abstract shapes and designs, which allow for unbiased scoring regardless of a child’s primary language, education, and socioeconomic background. The online assessment is timed and takes approximately 30 minutes to administer.

14 Sample Questions OLSAT8 Sample NNAT2 Sample

15 Who will be tested? All 3rd grade students including students with disabilities and English Language Learners The tests will be administered by the District GATE Coordinator at each of the elementary school sites.

16 No Accommodations or Modifications
The following accommodations invalidate OLSAT8 and NNAT2 test results and will not be considered for gifted identification: Any modification to the content of the assessment Directions read more than once Extended testing time

17 Students Exempted from Testing
Students who take the CAPA Students whose parents have requested non-participation

18 Parent Letter All parents of 3rd grade students will receive an Informational Letter from your child’s school site about the OLSAT8 and NNAT2. NOTE: Sign and return the Non-Participation letter ONLY if you do NOT want your child to participate in GATE testing.

19 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Are the OLSAT8 and NNAT2 IQ tests? A. No. They are Achievement Tests.

20 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What does the OLSAT8 measure? A. It measures verbal and quantitative reasoning.

21 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What does the NNAT2 measure? A. It measures nonverbal reasoning and general problem solving abilities.

22 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. If my child is identified in any of the categories, is she/he re-assessed every year? No. Once identified as GATE, the student remains in the program for the duration of enrollment at SGUSD.

23 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. What are the test administration dates? May 9th: Roosevelt May 11th: McKinley May 14th: Coolidge May 16th: Wilson May 25th: Washington

24 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. When will parents receive the results? OLSAT8 & NNAT2 scores will be mailed out in June CAASPP scores will be mailed in September. Letters to qualified GATE students will be mailed in September.

25 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. We have the report. Where is the qualifying score? Check the Total Age-Based Percentile Score (Age PR-S) in the top left of the student report. (Next slide.)


27 Eligibility Thresholds for Qualification
Test High Academic Qualifying scores on OLSAT8 in either Verbal or Nonverbal High Achievement Qualifying CAASPP Scores in both Math & ELA Specific Academic Qualifying CAASPP Scores for 2 consecutive years in either Math or ELA w/same content area Qualifying % Range Qualifying % Range: Subgroups OLSAT8: Verbal X 95-99th% 90-99th% OLSAT8: Math NNAT2 Nonverbal CAASPP: ELA CAASPP: Math

28 How to Prepare Your Child for Testing
Rest! Get a good night’s sleep the night before testing. Eat! Have a good breakfast and stay hydrated. Relax! Don’t over-emphasize the importance of the test. Take a deep breath! Avoid test anxiety. “Do your best, forget the rest!” Listen and follow all directions. Don’t spend too much time on one question. Use the process of elimination.

29 What YOU Can Do... Discuss! Help your child understand that the test gives them a chance to show what they know and how their teacher can best help them learn. Support! Make sure your child knows that the tests will give information and will not be used as a report card grade or keep them from moving on to the next grade. Relax! Reassure your child. Students who are calm and sure of themselves do better.

30 OLSAT AND NNAT Practice Booklet Our SGUSD Website!
Resources! OLSAT AND NNAT Practice Booklet Our SGUSD Website!

31 Questions? Thank you for your time!
Feel free to contact the GATE Office. Thank you for your time! Questions?

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