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Detailed Instructions

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Presentation on theme: "Detailed Instructions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Detailed Instructions
How to File an E-Claim Detailed Instructions

2 Welcome to the Member Hub
Welcome to the Member Hub. This is where you can access all information related to your plan benefits and services. There are 3 main sections here – My Plan, My Claims and Get Care.

3 How to File an E-Claim Click on File a new e-claim to begin the process.

4 You will then need to fill in some basic information regarding the services.

5 Next fill in some information regarding you and your plan.

6 Then fill in some information regarding the provider.

7 Now you will see a summary of the information you just entered
Now you will see a summary of the information you just entered. You can click edit to make any changes.

8 Don’t forget to attach the receipt showing you paid!

9 Now you just need to agree to the terms and provide an electronic signature.

10 Your e-claim has now been processed.

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