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St. Augustine Preparatory School

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1 St. Augustine Preparatory School
Chapter Titrations St. Augustine Preparatory School

2 Titration Titration is the slow addition of one solution of a known concentration (called a titrant) to a known volume of another solution of unknown concentration until the reaction reaches neutralization, which is often indicated by a color change.

3 Reading Glassware During your titration lab it is extremely important that you are very accurate. In these types of labs, small errors make large differences in results. Liquids are measured from a meniscus and should be viewed from eye level If your eye is higher or lower, you will get an incorrect value. This is referred to as a parallax error

4 Recording Data When taking measurements in science, there is a certain amount of precision you can have. In example A, since the markings are every 10 mL, you can record your value to the nearest 1 mL. An accurate value to record for this example would be either 12 mL or 13 mL

5 Example B Since the buret is marked every 0.1 mL, we will need to record two decimal places. An accurate value for the buret on the right would be 0.68mL +/- 0.01mL.


7 Practice



10 Acid-Base Indicators Acid-Base Indicators are sensitive to pH and change color as the pH changes Common acid base indicators: Phenolphthalein (pH: 8.0 – 10.0) Bromothymol blue (pH: 6.2 – 7.6) Methyl Red (pH: 4.4 – 6.2) Phenolphtalein Color Change Titration

11 What color would you see at the endpoint if you used:
a) Methyl red b) Thymol blue c) Methyl orange d) 2,4-Dinitrophenol

12 Performing a Titration
The following video linked below explains the steps in completing a titration. These steps are very important and must be known before we go into the lab. I will not be helping you with this lab. At all. Like no answering of any questions. None. Titration Instructions

13 Methyl Orange goes from Red to Yellow from 3.1 – 4.4

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