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Safety Town Hall P.S. 11 September 21, 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety Town Hall P.S. 11 September 21, 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety Town Hall P.S. 11 September 21, 2018

2 Defining Safety at P.S. 11 Daily operations of the school
Student transitions K&G Philosophy

3 What happens when children are involved in an incident?
An incident is either an accident or a situation that requires disciplinary action from staff. We investigate thoroughly. When appropriate, students speak with each other. When appropriate, we alert parents. An occurrence report is filed as per the Chancellor’s regulations. Follow-up accordingly.

4 Securing the Building All doors are keyed alike and all staff have keys. Main cafeteria doors are locked during lunch hours-11:15-1:30. Doors are alarmed. All adults entering the building must have school IDs or visitor’s passes-no exceptions! Expect staff members to ask to see your ID.

5 Protocols for Field Trips
Teachers will set a date for permission slip due date. Students leaving with a parent from a field trip, must be signed out of the office. In the event that a child is sick or hurt on a trip, we have protocols in place to make sure staff members accompany that child back to school.

6 Safety Agents Responsible for monitoring the arrival of all visitors. Having and wearing your ID makes this a lot easier for us. Safety agents sweep the building and monitor video cameras. They have access to the police department via their radios. Patience and cooperation with the safety agents is extremely helpful for everyone.

7 Medical Emergencies Ryan Center is a school-based clinic, run by a private medical organization. Registration with the Ryan Center is important! Life-threatening situations—911 If a child requires medication or Epipen, inhaler, etc. it must be registered with the Ryan Center.

8 Building Response Team
Highly trained staff members who assemble during drills and emergencies. Monthly meetings help to continually improve safety at P.S. 11. The team conducts mandated regular safety protocol drills. 8 additional staff members are trained on AED (automated external defibrillator) and CPR.

9 Evacuation 2 types-either exit and stay in the vicinity of the building or exit to an established site. If evacuated to a site, we bring a current listing of family contacts as well as emergency supplies. Families are notified via 311, DOE announcements, and/or the media. Most importantly-your child is safe.

10 Lockdowns Soft and Hard lockdowns occur when there is a threat in the building. We practice soft lockdowns. Hard lockdown—the NYPD is now in charge and has authority to lift the lockdown. We have particular language we use to discuss this with kids—posted on our website.

11 Shelter In This occurs when we are notified that there is a threat outside the building. If students are playing in the yard, we bring them inside. BRT sweeps and teachers conduct business as usual. Classes out on a field trip remain out until the protocol is lifted.

12 Missing Child Protocol
BRT assembles to locate the child and secure exits. Teachers check hallways and take attendance. We have systems in place to avoid a missing child situation.

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