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AMATYC Conference October 31, 2013

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1 AMATYC Conference October 31, 2013
Developmental Education Initiative, North Carolina Developmental Math Redesign AMATYC Conference October 31, 2013 Presenters: Tammy J. Bishop Wayne Community College Glynis Mullins Pitt Community College

2 DEI a National Project (funded by Gates and Lumina)
Started in 2009, building off the work of Achieving the Dream Six DEI states: CT, FL, NC, OH, TX, and VA DEI colleges: 15 across the country College-level work managed by MDC in Chapel Hill; State level work managed by Jobs for the Future

3 DEI’s Overarching Goals
Reduce overall need for developmental education Reduce time to complete developmental sequence Implement better tools for assessing and placing students

4 DEI State Policy Team 35 members from across NCCCS and representation by key partners 4 Committees: Aligned Expectations (K-12 and universities) Assessment and Placement Innovation and Redesign (which established faculty-based DEI Math Task Force) Data and Performance Measurement Aligned expectations: college readiness, testing and standards. What is college college ready? How will systems work together to ensure students are college ready? Assessment & Placement: do we have the right policies and tools in effect to accurately place students in on the math continuum? Innovation & Redesign: NC has the advantage of a combined course library so we can look at curriculum from the state level. How can we change developmental math curricula to create better success outcomes for students? Are we teaching the right competencies? Do we know what math is truly needed by college programs? Data and performance measurement: creating new Math 050: how do we optimize outcomes for students with the greatest deficiencies? How can we access resources for Adult Basic Ed to help these students so they are not using up financial aid at this level? 11/17/201811/17/2018 11/17/2018 4

5 Math In-Order Course Completion and Enrollment – NC
TOTAL: 8% Sample: cohorts, tracked for three years Enrolled 9% GK Algebra Passed 16% Not completed 2% Not enrolled 7% Enrolled 22% 1 level below Passed 31% Not completed 6% Not enrolled 9% Enrolled 43% 2 levels below Passed 54% Dr. Tom Bailey, CCRC, Presentation to SBCC, October 2010 Placement –lowest level math. Only AtD for NC Not completed 12% Not enrolled 11% Enrolled 77% 3+ levels below Referred to Level 3+ 1,507 Not completed 23% Not enrolled 23%

6 State Design Principles
New curriculum will be modular Curriculum can be completed in one year Curriculum will be flexible to allow students to complete at a pace appropriate to their individual needs Diagnostic testing will be implemented Each college will implement in a way that is appropriate to the needs and resources of that college Curriculum will be rich in conceptual and contextual instruction

7 Task Force Design Principles
Guiding principles: The task force will design a developmental curriculum that can be completed by students in two semesters or less, and can be delivered as a seated class, a lab course, a hybrid course, or an online course. The curriculum will focus on conceptual understanding and the use of contextually-based problems. Problem solving and critical thinking will be central themes in the modules.

8 Timeline for Development
Appointment of DEI Math Redesign Task Force December 2010 Regular Task Force Meetings Jan.– May 2011 Current curriculum was scrutinized and the new curriculum developed Pedagogical approach agreed upon Mastery determined to be the goal Completion of draft curriculum redesign Fall 2011

9 Design Eight modules covering what used to be MAT 060, 070, and 080 (MAT 050 still available; new models being developed) One credit per module Delivery method and instructional materials at the discretion of colleges Four weeks for seated courses New Diagnostic and Placement Test 11/17/201811/17/2018

10 The Modules DMA 010 – Operations with Integers DMA 020 – Fractions and Decimals DMA 030 – Proportions/Ratios/Rates/Percents DMA 040 – Expressions, Linear Equations, Linear Inequalities DMA 050 – Graphs and Equations of Lines DMA 060 – Polynomials and Quadratic Applications DMA 070 – Rational Expressions and Equations DMA 080 – Radical Expressions and Equations

11 Timeline for Implementation
Beta testing Fall 2011 Pilots of redesigned curriculum Spring 2012 Final revisions and rollout Summer 2012 Professional development for NCCCS faculty Summer 2012 Implementation across NCCCS Fall 2012-Fall 2013 Tracking and analysis of performance measures- Ongoing

12 Benefits to students More accurate placement based on diagnostic testing Reduced redundancies in curricula mean increased efficiency for students Use less financial aid on developmental coursework Redesign principles emphasize stronger conceptual and real-world understanding 11/17/201811/17/2018

13 Most Important Change? Pedagogical Approach Mastery of concepts
Conceptual approach to learning Placing instruction in context

14 Challenges Communication with all 58 colleges and all math faculty in each college Communication with other affected divisions at each college Placement tests and diagnostic tools Administrative issues including: registration, financial aid, full time status, FTE changes, faculty load These are some of the challenges we know we will be working through in the implementation of the redesign. Plug for tomorrow’s Q & A session to address additional concerns.

15 Modules’ Outline and Notes Available at http://www. successnc
Our working document Notes on the “big picture” Description of each module (for CCL) Course Competencies (for CCL) Conceptual Student Learning Outcomes Suggested Timeline Parameters and Teaching Tips Sample Introductory Application Sample Conceptual Questions (for each SLO) Student Success Tips


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