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Good afternoon!  Log into your laptop.

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1 Good afternoon!  Log into your laptop.
Open up your ap seminar folder and make sure you have shared it with me. If you have already done so then you do not need to repeat the process. Create a new document within your pt1 folder entitled “irr outline”.

2 Irr outline You will be creating an outline that will ultimately be utilized in the writing of your IRR. This is due at 1:00 pm on the day of the next class via GOOGLE CLASSROOM. You may choose your own format, however make sure it is organized. Within your IRR be sure to include as many details as you can. The more time you spend on this, the easier it will be to compile your information as you complete your IRR. Goal: Establish a clear LOR throughout your paper. This outline will help ensure that you are creating that “coherent flow”. Please use the PT1 (Component 1) rubric to help you sort out your thoughts. There are a few exemplars you may view on the website to help you get an idea of how to get started!

3 Today… Work on your IRR Outline.
I will be conferencing with everyone individually while you are working to ensure we are on the same page with everything and to your check progress. This will be the first of many conferences. Make sure you are keeping up with all upcoming deadlines! 

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