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Math Pathways & CU Denver

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Presentation on theme: "Math Pathways & CU Denver"— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Pathways & CU Denver
Gary Olson, Director of General Ed. Math Initiatives Nimol Hen, Director of ASAC Advising

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3 Two Content Layout with SmartArt
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18 State level The Colorado Math Pathways Task Force’s overall goal is to: Develop expectations and processes that result in each institution of higher education in Colorado offering pathways in mathematics that yield (1) increased success for students in the study of mathematics; (2) a higher proportion of students completing in a timely manner the appropriate gateway math course(s) for their intended degree program; and (3) effective transferability of credits for students moving from one institution to another. 2015 Report - Add a footer 11/17/2018

19 Colorado Math Pathways Recommendations: Executive Summary
1: Curriculum. Math pathways must be revised, with well-defined courses, to ensure students choose the most appropriate path as indicated by their intended major. The 3 pathways should be: a) Calculus Path – STEM, certain health sciences, and many business programs; b) Statistics Path - Social & Behavioral Sciences; and c) Quantitative Thinking Path - Arts & Humanities. Recommendation 2. Advising. Includes the use of: a) meta-majors, which are groups of majors with similar core requirements, aligned with a math pathway helps students and advisors choose a path based on the student’s interests and helps prevent loss of credit. 3. Support and Professional Development. To provide sufficiently diverse math pathway course offerings and adequately prepared instructors 4. Communication. Use multiple venues to distribute recommendations Add a footer 11/17/2018

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21 Here’s where we are at CU Denver
Gary Olson

22 Co-Requisite Instruction
MATH 1010 and MATH 1011 Pilot Course began in Spring 2016 Full scale implementation-Fall 2018 Pilot program cumulative results: Without Co-Requisite Instruction: 49% DFW Rate With Co-Requisite Instruction: 19% DFW Rate MATH 2830 and MATH 2831 MATH 2831 Workshop in Development. Pilot Program-Spring 2019 11/17/2018

23 Goal-Mathematics Placement for All Entry Level Courses
ALEKS Placement for HHMI Student Cohort (Summer 2018)-Pilot Students take Placement Exam Before Orientation (ideally) Students can complete individualized learning prep and retake the placement exam Mathematics Placement ‘Cheat Sheet’ for Advisors in Interim Add a footer 11/17/2018

24 Faculty Professional Development and Pedagogy
Nationally Recognized Teacher Training Program for ALL Math GTAs Excellence in Teaching Symposium and Professional Development for Faculty and Adjuncts Active Learning Materials Development & Implementation Add a footer 11/17/2018

25 Our goal… Every advisor understands the importance and implications of math placement. Every advisor is able to identify the appropriate math needed for their intended major. Add a footer 11/17/2018

26 Tell us how you’d like to proceed from here.
Next steps…. Tell us how you’d like to proceed from here. What information would you like to have on a regular basis? Define regular basis. How would you like to receive this information? Add a footer 11/17/2018

27 Many thanks to Dr. Jeff Franklin for sharing his findings on Math Pathways, national data, and research done by the Dana Center at UT Austin. Many of the slides contained herein were borrowed from his prior work in this area. Add a footer 11/17/2018

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