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Thomas Coy Arkansas Department of Education

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1 Thomas Coy Arkansas Department of Education
PARCC Assessments Thomas Coy Arkansas Department of Education

2 PARCC Updates Performance Level Descriptors
The policy-level PLDs and general content claims describe, in broad terms, the knowledge, skills, and practices students performing at a given performance level are able to demonstrate. They also indicate, for specific performance levels, whether students might need additional support or are likely to be ready for the next grade-level without additional support.

3 PARCC Updates The policy-level PLDs and general content claims will be used by PARCC to guide the development of items and tasks and will lay a foundation for setting performance levels for the PARCC assessments. They will also communicate to K-12 and postsecondary educators, parents, and students about PARCC’s level of expectations and how student mastery of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) will be evaluated through PARCC.

4 PARCC Updates Performance Level Descriptors
Also grade and subject specific Makes specific distinctions within the content Examines engagement and evidence of the practices Makes fine distinctions in the performance levels Public comment incorporated this week




8 PARCC Updates Test Blueprints
Blueprints are a series of documents that together describe the content and structure of an assessment. These documents define the total number of tasks and/or items for any given assessment component, the standards measured, the item types, and the point values for each. High Level Blueprints Specification of Type I, II, and III items by grade level and assessment type




12 PARCC Updates Evidence Tables
Evidence tables and evidence statements describe the knowledge and skills that an assessment item or a task elicits from students. Grade level specific Tells how and when standards are assessed Tables include standard, evidence statement, clarifications, associated practices, and calculator designation.


14 PARCC Updates Contract for item delivery platform awarded
Moving forward with plans for field testing Item reviews and reconciliations Bias and Sensitivity Review Weekly calls of Operational Work Groups, Contractors, and State Leads Arkansas represented at every opportunity

15 Thomas Coy 501-682-4250
Contact Information Thomas Coy

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