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1 The work due for today is…
FLIP LEARNING TASK: Make a graphic organiser that explains the differences between Catholics and Protestants (You could use the religion revision document under the revision section of the website to get you started) 2. What was the dissolution of the monasteries? Create a picture diagram that explains your answer. The work due for today is…

2 Is it Catholic or Protestant?
On the board you are going to see a series of statements that either represent Catholic or Protestant beliefs. You will need to draw a line and place each one accordingly. You can use your homework to help CHALLENGE: Where would you place Henry VIII along the line? Also, what is the difference between the red and the black statements?

3 To what extent did Protestant beliefs replace Catholic beliefs under Henry VIII?
Good learning: Understand the spread of protestant ideas Great learning: Explain the impact this had on doctrinal reforms Even better: Examined how much religion change under Henry VIII in the 1530s Key Words: Humanism Anticlericalism How far did intellectual and religious ideas change and develop and with what effects?

4 How did religion start to change during the 1530s?
Between 1532and 1540 Henry VIII, assisted by Thomas Cromwell and Archbishop Cranmer, withdrew the English church from the jurisdiction of the papacy, established the king as the Supreme Head of the Church, dissolved the monasteries and began to alter the Church’s doctrine and practices. This was not something that could have been foreseen, especially when the Church was broadly popular, despite its weaknesses. To start with, write down what you think each of the below is in relation to the Church. What is Anticlericalism? This is opposition to the political or social importance of the clergy. Some people objected to the legal privileges of the clergy and some instances of clerical misconduct, such as the murder of a merchant called Richard Hunne (1514). He was found dead in his cell in the Bishop’s of London’s prison. It was made to look like suicide, but in fact he had been murdered. The crown itself also tried to stir up anticlerical passions What is Corruption? Pluralism (receiving profits from more than 1 post), simony (the purchase of a church office) and non-residence (taking profits despite not being there) were the main examples of this. Cardinal Wolsey is a good example Allowed to happen as the Crown used the Church offices to reward those officials who were clergymen

5 How did religion start to change during the 1530s?
Whilst it is clear that the weakness in the Church was helping people to move away from it, there was the pull of new ideas like Humanism and the Reformation. Task: Using the new textbook, read page 119 about the ‘Evidence of early English Protestantism’ and ‘Erasmianism and the Reformation’. Make a copy of the grid opposite and add information to each side. Read through each extract at the bottom of the page, which one do you think is the most convincing and why in the importance of humanism during the reign of Henry VIII? (also use pages to help) Humanism and Protestantism played an important role Humanism and Protestantism did not play an important role Optional slide. Not sure if this would be too difficult or not.

6 How did religion start to change during the 1530s?
The weakness of the Church, along side the rise of Humanism and the Reformation led to an increase in Protestant ideas, especially after 1529 where we see Henry encouraging criticism of the Pope and the clergy and also the emergence of humanists (based on the ideas of Erasmus) helping to shape royal policy (though this is more prevalent in the latter years of his reign). Task: Using the information on pages 76 to 77 (up to doctrinal reforms) of the textbook, create a mind map on all the different ways Protestantism was able to continue and encouraged to spread during this period.

7 How much impact did Protestant ideas have?
Now that we are familiar with some of the ideas, it is now time to explore these a little further and also see how they changed and developed. Task: In your pairs you will be either number 1 or number 2. On the A4 piece of paper you have been provided with, your task is to create a piece of work (but not a collection of notes) on one of the following: Protestant ideas were more dominant during this period Catholic ideas remained dominant during this period. Collect information to support your argument using both textbooks. You should use the following from the new book: Pg. 120 (church structure), pg (up to continuity and change section) From the old book you should use: - Pages

8 Which religious beliefs were more dominant during the 1530s?
You should now work with your partner to share your ideas and record the different information on the back of your piece of paper. Now that you have gathered information for each side, I would like you to come to a conclusion by placing yourself on the spectrum below and deciding which belief was more dominant at this time. Remained largely Catholic Largely Protestant

9 ‘’Henry VIII might have made himself supreme head of the Church of England, but he did little else to change the Church.’ Assess the validity of this claim. Work out the dates concerning this question. 2. Define key words in relation to this question 3. Create a criteria for this question 6. Add specific examples/detail to your 6 points 5. Think of 3 reasons why this view is not valid 4. Think of 3 reasons why this view is valid 7. Explain how each point (now with evidence) makes the view valid or not. 8. Write down your answer to this question 9. Justify why your answer your answer is the justified

10 The work due in for next lesson is as follows:
FLIP LEARNING TASK: Finish planning the answer to the question. Tudor Revision Grids You need to have completed HVII and HVIII government and religion. You have 3 weeks. The work due in for next lesson is as follows:

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