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Monday: Bell Ringer Answer on Bell ringer Sheet and write down I Can Statement!! What was the Protestant Reformation and how did it lead to colonization.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday: Bell Ringer Answer on Bell ringer Sheet and write down I Can Statement!! What was the Protestant Reformation and how did it lead to colonization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday: Bell Ringer Answer on Bell ringer Sheet and write down I Can Statement!! What was the Protestant Reformation and how did it lead to colonization of the New World? (Page )

2 Sept. 2 I Can I can statement ________________
Answer both in complete sentences… What is a conquistadores? What is the Northwest Passage?

3 Protestant Reformation

4 Motivation for Colonization
Why were people coming to the New World?

5 What is political freedom?
What kind of political system did they have in most European countries at the time of colonization?

6 Political Freedom English subjects were not to dispute what a king could do Subjects wanted to make important decisions Monarchs declared Divine Rights of Kings meaning God blessed them to rule English subjects dreamed of political freedom

7 Why would people move because of religion?

8 Religious Beliefs Big Church Small Churches
Roman Catholic Church was #1 Then groups protested Catholic beliefs and questioned Pope’s Authority Protestors break away from church (Reformation) Small Churches Protestant Churches Develop Anglican Church becomes the King’s church of choice Puritans want to purify Anglican Church…move to America to escape persecution

9 Economics ec·o·nom·ics
1.( used with a singular verb ) the science that deals  with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of  humankind. $$$$

10 Economic Opportunity Causes Effects
English Monarchs dream of a favorable balance of trade Middle and lower classes dreamed of a better living Plenty of land found in N. America Effects Mercantilism – Keeping strict control over a colony’s trade Trade brought money to England’s Monarchy Unemployed farmers dreamed of owning land and going to America

11 Social mobility Opportunities? Who are you? Can you change?

12 Social Mobility English Leaders Workers and Farmers
English leaders used colonization as a safety valve English leaders got rid of excess people by sending them to colonies (Unwanted Groups like Puritans) English leaders wanted to make sure that England’s resources weren’t drained by unwanted (convicts) Workers and Farmers Wanted to get away from the English Hierarchy Wanted upward mobility Did not like rigid structure forced on them by the Monarchy

13 Activity for today… Use the “Motives for Colonization” cards for headings. Read the example cards, discuss the example with your group and place it under the best heading. Complete the “Four Motives” sheet in your BOK. I will be coming around to check your progress.

14 US History 8/31 When finished you may work on your Exploration Caricature!! REMEMBER IT IS DUE TOMORROW AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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